Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 3, 2017 - April 7, 2017

04/03/17 – 04/07/17
8th Grade English (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7, 8):

Monday (04/03): Students will review PSSA ELA questions on Kahoot!

Tuesday (04/04): Students will complete the new word splat for this week as well as the bell ringer paragraph for today. Students will complete practice worksheets on sentence types and standards practice (gerunds, participles, etc.).

Wednesday (04/05): Students will complete the bell ringer and then a practice worksheet on shifts in verb mood. Students will also complete a lesson and practice worksheet on using ellipsis, commas, and dashes.

Thursday (04/06): Students will complete the bell ringer and then complete a practice lesson and worksheet on multiple-meaning words and spelling correctly.

Friday (04/07): Students will complete a slip or trip activity (based on an image). They must write their claim, and evidence to support it. They must also answer specific questions about the image to help create their argument.

Essential Question: Unit 3 in Textbook – When is it right to take a stand?

Essential Question: Unit 4 in Textbook – In what different ways can people be intelligent?

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