Friday, January 17, 2020

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 1/27/20 - 1/31/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/27: Study Island: Connotation and Denotation
Tuesday 1/28: Study Island: Constructed Response
Wednesday 1/29: Study Island: Constructed Response
Thursday 1/30: Study Island: Author’s Purpose
Friday 1/31: Study Island: Author’s Technique

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 1/20/20 - 1/24/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/20: No school for students: In-Service Day
Tuesday 1/21: Study Island: Synonyms and Antonyms
Wednesday 1/22: Study Island: Affixes and Roots
Thursday 1/23: Study Island: Context Clues
Friday 1/24: Study Island: Multiple Meaning Words

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 1/27/20 - 1/31/20


Monday (1/27): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 3. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – New Topic: Developing Suspense and Humor (hand out lesson notes) – due Wednesday.

Tuesday (1/28): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 4. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” All work should be finished by the end of class today. Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – Individual practice: work on developing suspense and humor (due Wednesday).

Wednesday (1/29): Day 5: Check work in book and on practice worksheets and review for test on “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Pages in book to check are 319 – 322 (do not do research section or write it: notebook section). Test is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: finish developing suspense and humor (due today). New Topic: Compare and contrast structures in literature (due Friday).

Thursday (1/30): Day 6: Selection Test on “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence” on Complete test corrections when finished.
Study Island – Individual practice: Compare and contrast structures in literature (due Friday).

Friday (1/31): Read page 324 in textbook (Media Vocabulary) and read background on page 325 in textbook. Watch video on Pearson Realize (The Moth Presents: Aleeza Kazmi). Students can take notes in book on bottom of page 325 during video. Complete comprehension questions on top of page 326 and the two practice worksheets for the video.
Study Island – Finish compare and contrast structures in literature (due today).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

ELA 8: 1/20/20 - 1/24/20


Monday (1/20): Teacher In-Service Day – No School for Students

Tuesday (1/21): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 5 – Check work and review together. Book work is on pages 309 – 312. Discuss responses/answers and prepare for test. Test is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: work on summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both topics due Friday 1/24).

Wednesday (1/22): Bell ringers; Selection Test on the speech, “Words Do Not Pay” (Pearson Realize). Complete test corrections when finished and turn in.
Study Island – Individual practice: Summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both due Friday).

Thursday (1/23): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 1. Read short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence” together in class. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Students will be assigned new groups for rotation 2 work. Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30. Work to complete in book is on pages 319 – 322.
Study Island – Individual practice: Summarize literature and summarize informational texts (due tomorrow).

Friday (1/24): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 2. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – Finish summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both due today).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 1/13/20 - 1/17/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/13: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Tuesday 1/14: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Wednesday 1/15: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Thursday 1/16: Course Introduction: Rules, procedures, etc. Reading passage with questions
Friday 1/17: Practice reading passage with questions

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 1/13/20 - 1/17/20


Monday (1/13): Bell ringers; Pearson Realize – Mid-Year Test. Students will complete the Mid-Year Test on Pearson during both periods today.

Tuesday (1/14): Bell ringers; Finish mid-year test (if needed). Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 1. Read selection together – “Words Do Not Pay.” Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets. Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – New Topic: Plot – lesson notes and begin individual practice (due Friday).

Wednesday (1/15): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 2. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – Individual practice: Plot (due Friday).

Thursday (1/16): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 3. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – Individual practice: Plot (due tomorrow).

Friday (1/17): Bell ringer; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 4. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.

Study Island – Finish Plot (due today). New Topics: Summarize Literature and Summarize Informational Texts (both due 1/24).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 1/6/20 - 1/10/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/6: Study Island: Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Tuesday 1/7: Study Island: Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Wednesday 1/8: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Thursday 1/9: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Friday 1/10: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics

ELA 8: 1/6/20 - 1/10/20


Monday (1/6): Bell ringers; Podcast and listening questions.
Study Island – Finish characters (due tomorrow) and complete any other topics that are not done for MP 2.

Tuesday (1/7): Bell ringers; Return comprehension closure quiz for Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But…; Analyze the Text closure quiz and analyze craft and structure closure quiz; Practice worksheets for vocabulary/word study and conventions; textbook pages 292 - 293 (conventions). Test on Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But… is on Friday.
Study Island – New topic: Setting (due Thursday); Complete setting and characters first, then any other topics for MP 2.

Wednesday (1/8): Bell ringers; Return analyze the text closure quiz and craft and structure closure quiz; closure quizzes on concept vocab./word study and conventions (sentence structures); prepare for test on Friday (work on study guide)
Study Island – Individual practice: setting (due tomorrow); Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Thursday (1/9): Bell ringers; Return closure quizzes on concept vocabulary/word study and conventions; review game to prepare for test (Kahoot/quizlet).
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish setting; Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Friday (1/10): Bell ringer; Test on Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But… on Pearson Realize. Complete test corrections when finished.
Study Island – Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score. All topics for 2nd MP need to be completed by the end of the day Monday (1/13).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?