Friday, September 27, 2019

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 9-30-19 to 10-4-19

Keystone Literature

Monday 9/30: Wrap up constructed response for “A Simple Act.” Study Island: finish connotation/denotation (if needed) and start author’s purpose – lesson on author’s purpose to introduce topic
Tuesday 10/1: Study Island: Independent session (author’s purpose)
Wednesday 10/2: Study Island: group session (if needed) on author’s purpose
Thursday 10/3: Study Island: finish author’s purpose and start author’s technique (lesson)
Friday 10/4: Study Island: independent session – author’s technique

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

9-30-19 to 1-4-19 ELA 8


Monday (9/30): Bell ringers; work on TDA (bug and completed essay); proofread, peer review, edit/revise, and have both ready to turn in tomorrow – bug and completed essay due tomorrow.
Study Island: New topics – Textual evidence in Literature and informational texts: both topics due by end of the day Friday

Tuesday (10/1): Bell ringers; small group learning introduction – students will be given a schedule for their small group learning section in the textbook (students will be placed into teams); teams will work together on the next few text selections in the book to read, annotate, and analyze through completing tasks within the book, practice worksheets, activities, etc.; teams must follow the schedule for each selection and have the assigned work completed by the deadline; review days will allow students to ask any further questions they have about the selections and concepts and to go over necessary concepts in order to make sure they are prepared for the test on the selection. Teams will then start on the next selection and repeat the schedule for that text. I will be facilitating the teams as they work together on the text selections. We will start today on the first selection, which is “You are the electric boogaloo.” Day 1 on schedule (test for this selection will be on day 6 (Tuesday, Oct. 8)
Study Island: Individual practice: textual evidence in literature and informational texts (due Friday)

Wednesday (10/2): Bell ringers; Day 2 – You are the electric boogaloo; teams will continue to work together on this selection
Study Island – Individual practice: Textual evidence in literature and informational texts

Thursday (10/3): Bell ringers; Day 3 – You are the electric boogaloo; teams will continue to work together on this selection
Study Island – New topic: Figurative meanings in literature and informational texts (lesson) and Individual practice: Textual evidence in literature and informational texts (due tomorrow)

Friday (10/4): Bell ringer; Day 4 – You are the electric boogaloo; teams will continue to work together on this selection; review day is Monday, Test on Tuesday; NewsELA current event article (read, complete questions, discuss)
Study Island – Individual practice: finish textual evidence and work on figurative meanings in literature and informational texts (due Thursday)

Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

Friday, September 20, 2019

Keystone Lit Workshop: 9-23-19 to 9-27-19

Keystone Literature

Monday 9/23: Study Island: Independent sessions (connotation/denotation – finish); start on author’s purpose
Tuesday 9/24: Study Island: Independent session (author’s purpose)
Wednesday 9/25: Study Island: group session (if needed); finish author’s purpose
Thursday 9/26: Study Island: Author’s technique – lesson and group session (if needed)
Friday 9/27: Study Island: independent session – author’s technique

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 9-23-19 to 9-27-19


Monday (9/23): Bell ringers; Hand out/go over “evidence-based terminology” notes; Begin TDA for “The Medicine Bag.” Students will analyze the prompt and discuss how it should be approached. We will look at how to use the bug graphic organizer to organize the TDA response. Completed TDA and bug must be turned in by Monday, Sept. 30.
Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Literature – Individual practice (due end of day Tuesday)

Tuesday (9/24): Bell ringers; Mini lesson on embedding quotes; work on bug and TDA for The Medicine Bag (point of view)
 Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Literature is due today; New Lesson: Point of view and Purpose in Informational texts – lesson and individual practice (due end of day Thursday)

Wednesday (9/25): Bell ringers; Work on bug and TDA (due Monday)
Study Island – Individual practice: Point of view and purpose in informational texts

Thursday (9/26): Bell ringers; Work on bug and TDA (due Monday)
Study Island – Individual practice: Point of view and purpose in informational texts (due today)

Friday (9/27): Bell ringer; Work on TDA; peer review; revise; edit (make sure TDA is ready to turn in on Monday if not already finished); NewsELA article – read and discuss; complete quiz questions and discuss
 Study Island – New topic: textual evidence in literature – lesson and group session questions; individual practice (due Wednesday)

Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Keystone Literature Workshop: 9-16-20 to 9-20-19

Keystone Literature

Monday 9/16: Study Island: Group session (context clues/multiple-meaning words)
Tuesday 9/17: Study Island: Independent sessions (context clues, multiple-meaning words, connotation and denotation)
Wednesday 9/18: Study Island: Independent sessions (context clues, multiple-meaning words, connotation and denotation)
Thursday 9/19: Study Island: Author’s purpose – lesson and independent session
Friday 9/20: Study Island: Author’s purpose – independent session

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 9-16-19 to 9-20-19


Monday (9/16): Bell ringers; Collect annotations packet for the short story, “The Medicine Bag.” Students will complete the analyze the text questions on page 22 and page 23 (symbolism) and we will discuss responses together as a class. Hand out study guide for The Medicine Bag – Test is Friday (9/20)
 Study Island: Verbs – Group session questions and then Independent practice on verbs (due by end of day tomorrow)

Tuesday (9/17): Bell ringers; Analyze the text closure quiz and symbolism closure quiz for The Medicine Bag. Hand back annotations packet and review responses for each station (clarify any questions, confusions, etc.)
Study Island: Verbs due today by end of day; New topic: Using verbs in moods (lesson and group session questions); begin independent practice; due by end of day on Friday

Wednesday (9/18): Bell ringers; Practice worksheet – concept vocabulary and word study for The Medicine Bag; students will complete the worksheet and we will review/discuss answers; begin review for test on The Medicine Bag (practice/review worksheets); Test is Friday.
Study Island – Independent practice on using verbs in moods (due Friday)

Thursday (9/19): Bell ringers; Review for test on The Medicine Bag short story. Review/discuss practice review worksheets; study guide – finish and discuss any questions students have (if needed)
Study Island – Individual practice – active/passive voice (due tomorrow)

Friday (9/20): Spartan Dress Down Day - $1 Donation; Bell ringer; Selection test on the short story, “The Medicine Bag.” Students will take the test on They will have a paper copy of the test as well, but must submit answers online. Test corrections when finished – turn in test corrections.
Study Island – Make up day (independent time to either finish “using verbs in moods” and/or go back and re-do or finish other topics for improved scores)

Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 9-9-19 to 9-13-19

Keystone Literature

Monday 9/9: Study Island: Multiple meaning words – independent sessions
Tuesday 9/10: Study Island: Connotation and denotation – lesson/independent sessions
Wednesday 9/11: Study Island: Connotation and denotation – independent sessions
Thursday 9/12: Study Island: Author’s purpose – lesson/independent sessions
Friday 9/13: Study Island: Author’s purpose – independent sessions

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 9-9-19 to 9-13-19


Monday (9/9): Bell ringers; review concept vocabulary terms and definitions together (check vocab. Squares); annotation stations (preview text of short story, The Medicine Bag); read and annotate/complete annotation stations 2-4.
Study Island: Verbals – individual practice. Verbals is due Wednesday (9/11) by the end of the day.

Tuesday (9/10): Continue to read/annotate the short story, The Medicine Bag. Work on annotation stations 2-4 and discuss. Comprehension check on page 21 – complete and discuss; comprehension closure quiz.
Study Island: Active and Passive voice – lesson/group session

Wednesday (9/11): Conventions (p. 25) for short story, The Medicine Bag – active and passive voice. Complete page 25 practice and discuss. Active and passive voice group assignment. Groups will work together to create sentences in the active and passive voices. They will identify the subject, verb, and whether it is active or passive. Groups must then act out the action being performed in the active voice sentence. Groups should be ready to act out sentences in tomorrow’s class.
Study Island – Individual practice – active/passive voice (due Friday)

Thursday (9/12): Active and passive voice group assignment presentations (act out your sentence).
Study Island – Individual practice – active/passive voice (due tomorrow)

Friday (9/13): Active and passive voice group assignment presentations (act out your sentence). If time permits, students will complete the analyze the text questions on page 22 and page 23 (symbolism).  
Study Island – Verbs: lesson/group session and begin individual practice (Verbs due Tuesday by end of day).

Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Keystone Literature 9-2-19 to 9-6-19

Keystone Literature

Monday 9/2: No School - Labor Day
Tuesday 9/3: Study Island: Diagnostic test - continue
Wednesday 9/4: Finish diagnostic test and begin topic 1 (Synonyms and antonyms)
Thursday 9/5: Continue topic 1 (Syn. and Ant.)
Friday 9/6: Topic 2 (Affixes and Roots) 

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement?

ELA 8: 9-2-19 to 9-6-19

Monday (9/2): No School – Labor Day
Tuesday (9/3): Introduce bell ringers (reading comprehension and daily editing). Practice bell ringers for each type and discuss. “Cool to Be Kind” article and questions. Hand out textbook and connection letter to take home for unit one. Essential question for unit one and introduction, unit goals and academic vocabulary (p. 2-5 in book). Data sheets – complete front of data sheet. Fill in Pearson Beginning of year test score and strengths/areas of need.
Study Island – Begin diagnostic test
Wednesday (9/4): Launch text – p. 6-9. Read launch text (nonfiction narrative). Highlight parts of plot, descriptive details, and other important elements. (summary and quickwrite – discuss).
Study Island – diagnostic test
Thursday (9/5): Launch activity. – P. 10-11: Whole class learning overview (video – whole class learning strategies). Hand out study guide for first text selection “The Medicine Bag” p. 12-21 Concept Vocabulary for “The Medicine Bag.” (Vocab. Squares).
Study Island – Topic 1 intro. and group session (Verbals)
Friday (9/6): First Read (Jump Start discussion), annotation review, first read of the nonfiction narrative “The Medicine Bag.” Annotation stations – complete as we read together and discuss (annotate with symbols/notes), comprehension questions when finished first read.
Study Island – Individual practice (Verbals – due Wednesday end of day)
Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?