Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017 - March 3, 2017

02/27/17 – 03/03/17

8th Grade English (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7, 8):

Monday (02/27): Students will finish reviewing a sample PSSA TDA response that scored a 4. Students will highlight and mark key items in the response while examining its structure. Students will then view another TDA prompt (based on the selection in the textbook) that they will begin to work on. Some students will work with partners while others will work independently on this prompt. We will finish responses to this prompt in class tomorrow.

Tuesday (02/28): Students will finish writing their response to the TDA prompt and turn it in to be scored. Students will then complete the “analyze the text” questions on the bottom of page 282. We will discuss responses together.

Wednesday (03/01): Students will read page 283 in the textbook on Craft and Structure: “Author’s Argument.” Students will then complete the chart and questions on the bottom of page 283. We will discuss responses together. Students will begin to place items from the selection into a graphic organizer as a way to break down the text and see the argumentative structure of it.

Thursday (03/02): Students will finish filling in the argument “bug” (graphic organizer). They will turn in the bug organizer before they leave class today.

Friday (03/03): Students will complete a PSSA TDA prompt and turn it in for a grade before they leave class. Students will then complete page 284 in the textbook (Concept Vocabulary) and page 285 (Conventions: Clauses).
Essential Questions: Unit 3 in Textbook – When is it right to take a stand?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21, 2017 - February 24, 2017

02/20/17 – 02/24/17
8th Grade English (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7, 8):

Monday (02/20): No School – Presidents’ Day

Tuesday (02/21): Students will complete an independent first read of the next selection in Unit 3 (“Three Cheers for the Nanny State”). As they complete their first read, they must note vocabulary terms that are used throughout the text as well as annotate other thoughts, connections, etc. that they have as they read the text. They will then complete the comprehension questions on page 281 (#1-5).

Wednesday (02/22): Students will discuss their annotations and responses to the comprehension questions. Students will also get points for completing these two items in their textbook. We will examine together examples of first read notes and clarify any confusions with this task. We will then examine a TDA question together based on the text that they read. We will examine the parts of the question as well as look at how it should be answered. We will go through the steps of answering the TDA together. Students will write down the steps and the example response so that they have a sample.

Thursday (02/23): Finish the sample TDA that we started together yesterday (if needed). Students will then complete the close read section on page 282 (#1 – 3) and the analyze the text questions on the bottom of page 282. They must complete a 2nd independent read of the text in order to complete these sections.

Friday (02/24): Students will examine a TDA scoring guideline sheet to see exactly how they are scored for these types of assessment questions. Students will then complete a TDA from the PSSA item sampler that relates to argumentative texts. Students will turn in their written response to be scored based on the TDA scoring rubric. If time permits, students will then complete page 283 in the textbook.

Essential Questions: Unit 3 in Textbook – When is it right to take a stand?

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017 - February 17, 2017

02/13/17 – 02/17/17

8th Grade English (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7, 8):
Monday (02/13): Computer lab (934) to take the CDT English test.

Tuesday (02/14): Computer lab (934) to take the CDT English test. Return characterization quizzes/students will chart results on their progress charts.

Wednesday (02/15): Discuss/review concept vocabulary and conventions worksheets and textbook pages (272-273) from the magazine article, “Barrington Irving, Pilot and Educator.” Discuss study guide together. The test is tomorrow. Students may use their textbook for certain sections of the test. They will be able to go back to the article to help answer certain questions on the test. Chart levels of understanding for concept vocabulary terms and conventions.

Thursday (02/16): Selection test on the magazine article, “Barrington Irving, Pilot and Educator.” Students may use their textbook for certain sections of the test. They will be able to go back to the article to help answer certain questions on the test. Once finished with the test, students will complete/turn in any missing assignments they may have so far in the 3rd marking period.

Friday (02/17): Act 80 Day – No school for students

Essential Questions: Unit 3 in Textbook – When is it right to take a stand?

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017 - February 10, 2017

02/06/17 – 02/10/17

8th Grade English (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7, 8):
Monday (02/06): Students will take a quiz on characterization (direct and indirect). After the quiz, they will chart their progress on characterization in nonfiction on their progress charts. They will also, complete page 272 in the textbook on concept vocabulary and word study for “Barrington Irving…” as well as the practice worksheet for both of these skills. If students do not get done all items on page 272 and/or the worksheet, they must finish them for homework for tomorrow.

Tuesday (02/07): Students will complete page 273 in the textbook on conventions: nouns and pronouns. They will also complete a practice worksheet on these conventions and a worksheet on effective elements of an argument.

Wednesday (02/08): Data Delay – Computer lab (934) to take the CDT English test. Students will also be given a study guide for the “Barrington Irving…” article. They will use this to study for the test on this selection. We will discuss the study guide together on Friday and Monday. The test will be on Wednesday (2/15).

Thursday (02/09): Computer lab (934) to take the CDT English test.

Friday (02/10): Computer lab (934) to take the CDT English test (if more time is necessary). Otherwise, we will review the study guide for the selection test on “Barrington Irving….” The test is on Wednesday (2/15)

Essential Questions: Unit 3 in Textbook – When is it right to take a stand?