Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012 - September 28, 2012


·         Reading 8 – Students will complete a KWL about fiction and nonfiction in small groups first. We will then discuss these as a class. Students will then read about fiction and nonfiction in the literature books (p. 6-7) and take notes on this information in their notebooks. They will fill in the KWL with information that they read in the book about fiction and nonfiction.


·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lists 7 and 8. When finished, students will begin working on assignments focusing on the story, “The Tell Tale Heart.” Students will begin to read “The Tell Tale Heart” together as a class in order to examine it more closely and discuss specific elements in detail.


·         Reading 8 – Students will review/discuss the elements of fiction and nonfiction. Students will then be split up into two groups. One half of the class will read “The Baker Heater League” using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. The other half of the class will read “The 11:59” while using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. Students will then answer questions with a partner about each story (to decide which type of text it is: fiction or nonfiction). Students will work with someone who read the opposite story as them, and discuss elements of each to compare/contrast using a Venn Diagram.


·         English 8 – Students will continue reading “The Tell Tale Heart” together as a class. As we read, students will discuss details of the plot and reactions to the story. Students will then work on the double-entry journal assignment in the story packet.


·         Reading 8 – Students will review/discuss the elements of fiction and nonfiction. Students will then be split up into two groups. One half of the class will read “The Baker Heater League” using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. The other half of the class will read “The 11:59” while using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. Students will then answer questions with a partner about each story (to decide which type of text it is: fiction or nonfiction).


·         English 8 – Students will discuss the double-entry journal as a class and we will examine specific examples on the board. Students will then continue with the next assignment in the packet: summarizing the plot of the story. Students will write a news story to summarize the events of the plot.


·         Reading 8 – We will discuss students’ talking to text notes and view examples of these on the board together as a class. Students will work with someone who read the opposite story as them, and discuss elements of each to compare/contrast using a Venn Diagram. As a class, we will then compare/contrast the two stories and pairs will report out their findings from their Venn Diagrams. As a class, we will also discuss the story questions and journal responses that students have completed.


·         English 8 – Students will write a journal response discussing “The Tell Tale Heart” and what they liked/disliked about the story and why. Students will then explore setting with the story by completing the setting section of the packet. As a class, we will discuss this section and students will then continue working on the next section: elements of plot. As a class, we will discuss the elements of plot that students identified from the story.


·         Reading 8 – We will discuss students’ talking to text notes and view examples of these on the board together as a class. Students will work with someone who read the opposite story as them, and discuss elements of each to compare/contrast using a Venn Diagram. As a class, we will then compare/contrast the two stories and pairs will report out their findings from their Venn Diagrams. As a class, we will also discuss the story questions and journal responses that students have completed.


·         English 8 – Students will take a quiz on “The Tell Tale Heart.” Students will also write an extended journal response discussing the protagonist of the story. As a class, we will discuss these together. Students will then complete a section on figurative language in order to identify different types of figurative language from the story. Students will then begin writing an extended journal response and complete a section on context clues. We will discuss these together as a class.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012 - September 21, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Students will review the think aloud/talking to text strategy introduced last week with the “Superman and Me” essay. Students will then share talking to text notes with a partner discussing commonalities/differences. Students will then share with the whole class in a discussion. Students will then finish reading the essay using talking to the text on their own. As a class, we will discuss this process and how it helps us better comprehend/analyze what we are reading. If time remains, students will read their AR books silently.

·         English 8 – Students will review the introductions that they wrote for homework. We will discuss what makes up an effective introduction. Students will then discuss transitions and how they are used within an essay. Students will also choose a writing prompt to write a persuasive essay on relating to “The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe. Students will begin writing the rough draft.
·         Reading 8 – Students will review the think aloud/talking to text strategy introduced last week with the “Superman and Me” essay. Students will then share talking to text notes with a partner discussing commonalities/differences. Students will then share with the whole class in a discussion. Students will then finish reading the essay using talking to the text on their own. As a class, we will discuss this process and how it helps us better comprehend/analyze what we are reading. If time remains, students will read their AR books silently.

·         English 8 – Students will continue working on rough drafts. Students will finish writing rough draft in class and peer edit essays so that revisions can be made. Rough draft and final copies are due on Friday.
·         Reading 8 – Students will be assigned literature books. Students will examine the big question for the unit: “Is truth the same for everyone?” (Lit. book pages 2-3) Students will then complete a KWL about fiction and nonfiction in small groups first. We will then discuss these as a class. Students will then read about fiction and nonfiction in the literature books (p. 6-7). They will fill in the KWL with information that they read in the book about fiction and nonfiction.

·         English 8 – Students will define vocabulary terms for lists 7 and 8 today in class and write a sentence for each as well as the parts of speech in their notebooks.
·         Reading 8 – Students will be assigned literature books. Students will examine the big question for the unit: “Is truth the same for everyone?” (Lit. book pages 2-3) Students will then complete a KWL about fiction and nonfiction in small groups first. We will then discuss these as a class. Students will then read about fiction and nonfiction in the literature books (p. 6-7). They will fill in the KWL with information that they read in the book about fiction and nonfiction.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss the definitions, parts of speech, and example sentences for new vocabulary terms from lists 7 and 8. Students will take a test on vocabulary terms tomorrow.
·         Reading 8 – Students will review/discuss the elements of fiction and nonfiction. Students will then be split up into two groups. One half of the class will read “The Baker Heater League” using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. The other half of the class will read “The 11:59” while using think aloud and talking to text with a partner. Students will then answer questions with a partner about each story (to decide which type of text it is: fiction or nonfiction) and we will begin to compare/contrast the two stories. Students will work with someone who read the opposite story as them, and discuss elements of each to compare/contrast using a Venn Diagram.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary terms from lists 7 and 8. Students will also turn in the rough draft and final copy of their essays today. After the test, students will review the writing process and how it aided their writing.

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012 - September 14, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Students will then review the pair-share activity questions that were discussed during the last class period in groups. Each group will report out what they discussed in their groups and we will discuss as a whole group. Students will then work in groups to brainstorm reading strategies. Each group will report out their strategies to be added to the class list. Students will then examine an image on the board to be introduced to think aloud. Students will view an image on the board and the T will model think aloud. We will discuss this strategy and how it can be used while reading. Students will then practice think aloud with another image on the board. As a class, we will discuss the results of this activity and what it means for our reading.

·         English 8 – Students will take a vocabulary test on lessons 3 and 4 today. Students will then begin to discuss lessons 5 and 6 definitions, parts of speech, and sentences together as a class.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR book for 5 minutes and they will be given reading log notebooks to complete a reading log in. We will discuss the procedures for completing the reading log and students will write their log when the five minutes is up. Students will pair share their responses with a partner to discuss what they wrote and why and then as a class, we will discuss what a sufficient response looks/sounds like. Students will then view a piece of text on the board called, Superman and Me. T will model think aloud and talking to the text on the board so that students can see how this strategy works with a piece of text. Students will also add their comments to the text on the board. Students will then work with a partner on the next chunk of text using think aloud as they read out loud. Partners will record the thoughts on the text. As a class, we will report out our thoughts as we read and discuss.

·         English 8 – Students will finish discussing vocabulary lessons 5 and 6 together as a class. Students will then discuss word parts of these terms to examine how different word parts affect meanings of words. Test on vocabulary lessons 5 and 6 will be tomorrow.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR book for 5 minutes and they will be given reading log notebooks to complete a reading log in. We will discuss the procedures for completing the reading log and students will write their log when the five minutes is up. Students will pair share their responses with a partner to discuss what they wrote and why and then as a class, we will discuss what a sufficient response looks/sounds like. Students will then view a piece of text on the board called, Superman and Me. T will model think aloud and talking to the text on the board so that students can see how this strategy works with a piece of text. Students will also add their comments to the text on the board. Students will then work with a partner on the next chunk of text using think aloud as they read out loud. Partners will record the thoughts on the text. As a class, we will report out our thoughts as we read and discuss.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lessons 5 and 6 today. Students will then begin discussing introductions in writing. Students will look at example introductions together and the different types of introductions. Students will write their own introductions to practice for the upcoming essay.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR books for a few minutes at the start of class. Students will then write a reading log response to the reading focusing on making predictions. Students will return to the Superman and Me text to continue practicing the think aloud and talking to text strategies. Students will review the discussion and activities from last time. Students will then read through the next chunk of text using the talking to text strategy individually. Students will then share their work with a partner noting commonalities and differences in their notes. Pairs will then share with the whole class and we will discuss what is difficult about this process. Students will then finish reading the text individually using talking to the text. Students will finish the assignment for homework.

·         English 8 – Substitute - Students will read “The Tell-Tale Heart” during class silently while taking notes (talking to text). Students will finish the reading for homework, if necessary. Students will also complete comprehension questions about the story when finished.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR books for a few minutes at the start of class. Students will then write a reading log response to the reading focusing on making predictions. Students will return to the Superman and Me text to continue practicing the think aloud and talking to text strategies. Students will review the discussion and activities from last time. Students will then read through the next chunk of text using the talking to text strategy individually. Students will then share their work with a partner noting commonalities and differences in their notes. Pairs will then share with the whole class and we will discuss what is difficult about this process. Students will then finish reading the text individually using talking to the text. Students will finish the assignment for homework.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss the story that was read in class yesterday and the questions that students completed for today. Students will then discuss the components/purpose of persuasive essays and they will choose a prompt to respond to relating to the story they read. Students will begin writing their essays in class.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 3, 2012 - September 7, 2012

·         No School - Labor Day

·         Reading 8 –  Library to choose books for AR. Students will learn how books are categorized and where to find books appropriate for their grade level. Students must sign out a novel from the library today for use with AR.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lists 1 and 2. When finished the test, students will begin working on the definitions and sentences for lists 3 and 4.
·         Reading 8 – Students will complete the reading survey to reflect on their personal reading habits and past experiences with reading. Students will discuss in small groups what reading is to them and answer questions pertaining to reading provided by the teacher. Students will then brainstorm reading strategies that help them while reading a passage. These will be compiled in order to display them in the classroom for future reference.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss the vocabulary terms that were defined yesterday. As a class, we will discuss how each word can be used in context and techniques for determining their meanings using context clues.
·         Reading 8 – Students will complete the reading survey to reflect on their personal reading habits and past experiences with reading. Students will discuss in small groups what reading is to them and answer questions pertaining to reading provided by the teacher. Students will then brainstorm reading strategies that help them while reading a passage. These will be compiled in order to display them in the classroom for future reference.

·         English 8 – Students will finish discussing the vocabulary terms from lists 3 and 4. In small groups and as a class we will examine these terms and the word parts that make them up. Students will examine the vocabulary terms and their word parts to determine how prefixes, suffixes, and root words can help determine the meaning of words.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR book for 5 minutes and they will be given a reading log sheet to complete. We will discuss the procedures for completing the reading log and students will fill out their reading log sheet when the five minutes is up. Students will pair share their responses with a partner to discuss what they wrote and why and then as a class, we will discuss what a sufficient response looks/sounds like. Students will then review the reading strategies list that was discussed during the last class period and students will examine an image on the board to be introduced to think aloud. Students will complete a think aloud activity with a partner after seeing the T model think aloud on the board. As a class, we will discuss the results of this activity and what it means for our reading.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lists 3 and 4. When finished the test, students will begin working on the definitions and sentences for lists 5 and 6.