Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 3, 2012 - September 7, 2012

·         No School - Labor Day

·         Reading 8 –  Library to choose books for AR. Students will learn how books are categorized and where to find books appropriate for their grade level. Students must sign out a novel from the library today for use with AR.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lists 1 and 2. When finished the test, students will begin working on the definitions and sentences for lists 3 and 4.
·         Reading 8 – Students will complete the reading survey to reflect on their personal reading habits and past experiences with reading. Students will discuss in small groups what reading is to them and answer questions pertaining to reading provided by the teacher. Students will then brainstorm reading strategies that help them while reading a passage. These will be compiled in order to display them in the classroom for future reference.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss the vocabulary terms that were defined yesterday. As a class, we will discuss how each word can be used in context and techniques for determining their meanings using context clues.
·         Reading 8 – Students will complete the reading survey to reflect on their personal reading habits and past experiences with reading. Students will discuss in small groups what reading is to them and answer questions pertaining to reading provided by the teacher. Students will then brainstorm reading strategies that help them while reading a passage. These will be compiled in order to display them in the classroom for future reference.

·         English 8 – Students will finish discussing the vocabulary terms from lists 3 and 4. In small groups and as a class we will examine these terms and the word parts that make them up. Students will examine the vocabulary terms and their word parts to determine how prefixes, suffixes, and root words can help determine the meaning of words.
·         Reading 8 – Students will read their AR book for 5 minutes and they will be given a reading log sheet to complete. We will discuss the procedures for completing the reading log and students will fill out their reading log sheet when the five minutes is up. Students will pair share their responses with a partner to discuss what they wrote and why and then as a class, we will discuss what a sufficient response looks/sounds like. Students will then review the reading strategies list that was discussed during the last class period and students will examine an image on the board to be introduced to think aloud. Students will complete a think aloud activity with a partner after seeing the T model think aloud on the board. As a class, we will discuss the results of this activity and what it means for our reading.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lists 3 and 4. When finished the test, students will begin working on the definitions and sentences for lists 5 and 6.

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