Friday, November 30, 2012

December 3, 2012 - December 7, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Odd – Students will discuss the notes from last week on types of nonfiction. As a class, we will also review the vocabulary terms and definitions that were defined for today on nonfiction. We will have a test on this information on Friday. Students will also respond to the big question in their reading log notebook relating to the magazine article they read for today. We will discuss responses together and students will turn in the packet with the article and questions.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lessons 9 and 10. When finished, students will read the story, “The Lady or the Tiger” together as a class while highlighting and chunking sections of the story.
·         Reading 8 – Even - Students will discuss the notes from last week on types of nonfiction. As a class, we will also review the vocabulary terms and definitions that were defined for today on nonfiction. We will have a test on this information on Monday. Students will also respond to the big question in their reading log notebook relating to the magazine article they read for today. We will discuss responses together and students will turn in the packet with the article and questions.

·         English 8 – Students will finish reading “The Lady or the Tiger” together out loud and complete the double-entry journal in the packet. We will discuss the double-entry journal by examining student examples on the board.
·         Reading 8 – Odd – Students will play a review game to review the information on nonfiction that they will need to know for the test on Friday. If time permits at the end of class, students will read their AR books silently or study for the remainder of class time.

·         English 8 – Students will work on contextual clues from the story and prefixes and suffixes. As a class, we will discuss these two sections of the packet together.
·         Reading 8 – Even - Students will play a review game to review the information on nonfiction that they will need to know for the test on Friday. If time permits at the end of class, students will read their AR books silently or study for the remainder of class time.

·         English 8 – Students will take a quiz on the vocabulary terms from yesterday’s context clues activity. Students will then work on numbers 5, 6, 7 in the packet for “The Lady or the Tiger” on setting and plot.
·         Reading 8 – Odd – Students will take a test on nonfiction. When finished, students will read AR books independently and write a response in their notebooks focusing on the conflict in the book. Students will also be introduced to the next unit of study in the textbook (short stories). Students will discuss the big question for this unit (“Can all conflicts be resolved?”) p. 230-231 in textbook. Students will begin to define vocabulary terms for the unit in notebooks.

·         English 8 – Students will complete numbers 8 – 13 in the story packet. Students will work with a partner to analyze the story and identify the resolution, interpret quotes from the story, and write extended journal responses related to the story.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 26, 2012 - November 30, 2012

Monday - No School

·         Reading 8 – Odd – As a class, we will discuss the PSSA lesson on “Using Self-Monitoring Strategies.” Students will reflect on the strategies they used to navigate the passages in the packet. Students will turn in the PSSA lesson packets today. Students will then write down notes in their notebooks on the elements of nonfiction writing and the different types of nonfiction writing. We will discuss these together as a class.

·         English 8 – Students will be in the library on computers to type the final copy of their persuasive essay today.
·         Reading 8 – Even - As a class, we will discuss the PSSA lesson on “Using Self-Monitoring Strategies.” Students will reflect on the strategies they used to navigate the passages in the packet. Students will turn in the PSSA lesson packets today. Students will then write down notes in their notebooks on the elements of nonfiction writing and the different types of nonfiction writing. We will discuss these together as a class.

·         English 8 – Students will be in the library on computers to type the final copy of their persuasive essay today.
·         Reading 8 – Odd – Students will read and analyze a magazine article in the textbook titled, “Sun Suckers and Moon Cursers.” Students will be identifying the main idea and supporting details from the article in their T2T notes. Students will discuss the elements of magazine articles and how they are different from other types of texts. They will then respond to critical thinking questions and the big question for the unit.

·         English 8 – Students will define vocabulary terms for lessons 9 and 10. Students will also work on writing sentences for these words in class today. This vocabulary work is due tomorrow.
·         Reading 8 – Even - Students will read and analyze a magazine article in the textbook titled, “Sun Suckers and Moon Cursers.” Students will be identifying the main idea and supporting details from the article in their T2T notes. Students will discuss the elements of magazine articles and how they are different from other types of texts. They will then respond to critical thinking questions and the big question for the unit.

·         English 8 – Students will review the vocabulary definitions and sentences for terms in lessons 9 and 10 Students will have a test on these terms on Monday.

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 19, 2012 - November 23, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Even – Students will turn in their final copy and rough draft of the memoir. Students will complete a lesson from the PSSA book on “Self Monitoring Strategies.”

·         English 8 – Students will discuss the review sheet on adjectives and adverbs in small groups and together as a class in preparation for a test tomorrow. Students will also complete practice sentences to choose the correct adjective or adverb as a review for the test.
·         Reading 8 – Odd – Students will turn in their final copy and rough draft of the memoir. Students will read passages about the Thanksgiving holiday and respond to discussion questions in their reading log notebook. As a class, we will discuss these together after groups have discussed them.

·         English 8 – Students will take a test on adjectives and adverbs. When finished, students will begin to work on the rough draft of a persuasive essay. Students will have the opportunity to choose from several writing prompts.
·         Reading 8 – Even - Students will read passages about the Thanksgiving holiday and respond to discussion questions in their reading log notebook. As a class, we will discuss these together after groups have discussed them.

·         English 8 – Students will work on writing the persuasive essay in class today. The rough draft must be done by Tuesday after Thanksgiving break. We will be working in the library on computers when we return from Thanksgiving break to type the final copy of the essay.

Thursday - No School - Thanksgiving holiday

Friday - No School - Thanksgiving holiday       

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 - November 16, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Students will discuss the talking to text notes from “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi” together as a class. Students will turn in their notes today. Students will then work on the rough draft of their memoir for the remainder of class. Rough draft is due in class on Wednesday and the final copy is due on Tuesday, November 20th.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss adverbs and what they already know about them. Students will also complete a section in the adverbs packet identifying adverbs in sentences. As a class, we will examine some examples together on the board when students are finished.
·         Reading 8 – Students will discuss the talking to text notes from “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi” together as a class. Students will turn in their notes today. Students will then work on the rough draft of their memoir for the remainder of class. Rough draft is due in class on Thursday and the final copy is due on Monday, November 19th.

·         English 8 – Students will work with a partner on the adverbs packet (manipulation and comparison sections). Students will complete several activities to manipulate adverbs within sentences and to correctly use comparisons with different types of adverbs.
·         Reading 8 – Students will peer edit their essay with a partner and make necessary revisions. Students will participate in a gallery walk in order to make comments and suggestions for essays. Final copy of the essay is due on Tuesday. Students will also complete a lesson from the PSSA book on reading consumer documents, such as schedules.

·         English 8 – Students will complete the last section in the adj./adverbs packet on “differentiating between adjectives and adverbs. They must complete several writing assignments in the packet in order to write sentences using adjectives and adverbs correctly. Students will then complete supplemental exercises in the textbook on pages 214-215, 220, and 234 on adjectives versus adverbs.
·         Reading 8 – Students will peer edit their essay with a partner and make necessary revisions. Students will participate in a gallery walk in order to make comments and suggestions for essays. Final copy of the essay is due on Tuesday. Students will also complete a lesson from the PSSA book on reading consumer documents, such as schedules.

·         English 8 – Students will finish the adj. and adverbs assignments in the packet and textbook. As a class, we will discuss some examples on the board together and students will begin a review sheet on adjectives and adverbs.
·         Reading 8 – Students will complete a lesson from the PSSA book on “Self Monitoring Strategies.”

·         English 8 – Students will work individually on the review sheet on adjectives and adverbs. As a class, we will discuss these examples together as a review for the test on adjectives and adverbs. The test will be on Monday.

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012 - November 9, 2012

·         Reading 8 – Students will review for a quiz on plot and conflict together as a class. The quiz will be on Wednesday. Students will also discuss the critical analysis questions on the worksheet that was completed for today on the story, “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi.” Students will discuss author’s purpose and the type of nonfiction it is as well as role play the conflict within the story. When finished, students will be given a writing assignment to complete based on the story we read. They will be required to write a memoir about a meaningful personal experience/event in their life. We will discuss the requirements for the assignment together.

·         English 8 – Students will begin working with adjectives. They will identify adjectives within sentences and write synonyms and antonyms for adjectives in their adjectives packet. Students will also begin working on Lesson 2 in the PSSA Coach book.
·         Reading 8 – Students will review for a quiz on plot and conflict together as a class. The quiz will be on Thursday. Students will also discuss the critical analysis questions on the worksheet that was completed for today on the story, “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi.” Students will discuss author’s purpose and the type of nonfiction it is as well as role play the conflict within the story. When finished, students will be given a writing assignment to complete based on the story we read. They will be required to write a memoir about a meaningful personal experience/event in their life. We will discuss the requirements for the assignment together.

·         English 8 – As a class, we will discuss the sections in the adjectives packet and PSSA Coach book from yesterday. Students will also discuss possessive and proper adjectives and complete practice sections in the packet on each.
·         Reading 8 – Students will take a quiz on plot and conflict. When finished, students will brainstorm and work on the rough draft of their essays. Together, we will discuss the writing process and each step that needs to be taken in order to write effectively.

·         English 8 – Students will discuss degrees of adjectives together as a class (adjective comparisons). Students will then work with a partner to complete a practice section on degrees of adjectives in the packet. Students will take a quiz on adjectives tomorrow.
·         Reading 8 – Students will take a quiz on plot and conflict. When finished, students will brainstorm and work on the rough draft of their essays. Together, we will discuss the writing process and each step that needs to be taken in order to write effectively.

·         English 8 – Students will take a quiz on the different types of adjectives. When finished, students will discuss adverbs and what they already know about them. Students will also complete a section in the adverbs packet identifying adverbs in sentences.
Friday - Act 80 Day