Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012 - January 27, 2012

·         Academic English 9 – Check vocabulary definitions; review definitions, worksheet, and sentences for vocab. lesson 9B. Students will also begin watching a video on Shakespeare’s life and works. Students will take notes to compare/contrast during the video.

·         Practical Literature 11 – Introduction to “The Crucible” and the Salem Witch Trials – Students will view the History Channel’s video on the Salem Witch Trials and complete a note taking sheet while viewing the video.

·         Y.E.S. - Students will begin writing a rough draft of an essay on their dream job. When finished writing the rough draft, students will proof read and peer edit their essays.

·         Academic English 9 – Students will finish watching the video on Shakespeare and they will complete the video questions to use as notes. When finished, we will discuss the video questions together and compare/contrast Shakespeare’s life and times to modern society to point out similarities and differences.

·         Practical Literature 11 – Students will continue to watch a video on the Salem Witch Trials and discuss the questions together as a class. Students will then begin reading Act 1 of The Crucible together. Students will be assigned parts to read and they will also be given the study guide for Act 1 to complete as we read. Students will work together on the study guide questions.

·         Y.E.S. - Period three: Students will listen to a speaker from Lincoln Technical Institute speak about “Life after high school.”Period six: Students will work on typing the final copy of the 5 paragraph essay on their “dream job.”

·         Academic English 9 – Students will begin reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. Students will be assigned parts to read and will complete the study guide questions for Act 1, scene 1 after reading scene 1 together.

·         Practical Literature 11 – Define literary devices presented in The Crucible and find examples of each element within the play as students read. Students will continue to read Act 1 of the play and work together in small groups to complete study guide questions.

·         Y.E.S. - Students will be placed into groups to discuss the list of businesses offered for tours this semester. Students will discuss their top picks and as a class, we will narrow the list to our top two picks as a class. Students will also begin the first module for the course, which is teamwork. Students will take notes on “communication skills needed for teamwork” and they will also discuss key points during class. Students will then complete a team activity on self esteem.
·         Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on Vocabulary lesson 9B and then define the terms for lesson 10A. Students will also be given the worksheet to complete for lesson 10A and write sentences for this lesson on their own. When finished, students will define vocabulary terms for Romeo and Juliet and discuss Shakespearean terms.

·         Practical Literature 11 – Discuss the connection to McCarthyism during the 1950s and the parallels between the play and the events of the Red Scare. Students will complete a web quest on McCarthyism to answer questions about the events of the period together in small groups.

·         Y.E.S. - Students will continue with the first module on teamwork. They will take notes on behavioral styles and discuss these as a class. Students will also assess where they fall on the scale of different communication styles. Students will then discuss and take notes on the four styles of behavior and determine which style best fits them. Students will read about the style they fall into and discuss what is important to learn about each style.
·          Academic English 9 – Students will continue to read Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. As students read together, they will also analyze the play by discussing key points and responding to the study guide questions.

·         Practical Literature 11 – Students will continue reading Act 1 of The Crucible together. Students will be assigned parts to read. Students will work together to complete the study guide questions.

·         Y.E.S. - Students will continue with the teamwork module and continue taking notes on behavioral styles from yesterday. We will finish session one and continue on to session two, which is team effectiveness. Students will work in groups to discuss what the difference is between a group and a team. As a class, we will discuss these together. Students will also take notes on team effectiveness and complete a team effectiveness activity as a class.

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