Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 19, 2016 - September 23, 2016

9/19/16 – 9/23/16

Academic English 9 (Periods 1, 4)

Monday (9/19): Finish work on adverbs section in Grammar textbook (purple book) if needed (exercises 16, 17, 18, 19 on pages 22 – 25). Students should then independently complete exercises 20, 21, and Review B on pages 26 and 27 in the grammar textbook. Check work in class and students will keep their work in their notebooks.

Tuesday (9/20): Students will read pages 28 – 30 in the grammar book (The Preposition). They will also complete exercises 22 and 23 on pages 30 and 31. They should write responses in their notebooks. Check answers in class together.

Wednesday (9/21): Vocabulary Unit 1A – Students should use a dictionary or electronic device to define the words in the list. Review vocabulary words and definitions with students via PowerPoint notes. Students will take a quiz on Tuesday of next week on the words in list 1A.

Thursday (9/22): Finish reviewing vocabulary definitions with students using the PowerPoint notes. Students will be given the review worksheet for vocabulary list 1A to complete in class today. They will also be given the Vocabulary Sentences Homework sheet. They will work on writing their sentences for list 1A words in class today. They must have their sentences completed for Monday (9/26).

Friday (9/23): Students will read pages 31 – 34 (The Conjunction; The Interjection) and then they will complete exercises 24 and 25 independently. Check work in class together. Students will then read pages 34 – 35 (Determining Parts of Speech) and complete Exercises 26, 27, and Review C on pages 35 and 36.

Essential Questions: Unit One - How can improving our grammar usage skills help to improve our reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities?

Honors English 7 (Periods 2, 8)

Monday (9/19): Period 2 ONLY – ELA CDT test on laptop cart #7. Period 8 – Students will continue working on the activities after the text, “An Invisible Thread” in the My Perspectives textbook. They should have the Comprehension Check questions completed on page 45 (from last week). In class today, students will complete the activities on pages 46 and 47 (Close Read the Text, Analyze the Text, Analyze Craft and Structure, and Practice – Cite Textual Evidence). Students may write on the pages in the textbook and/or lined notebook paper.

Tuesday (9/20): Period 2 ONLY – ELA CDT test on laptop cart #7. Period 8 – Students will complete pages 48 and 49 (Concept Vocabulary, Word Study, Conventions). They will then begin the “Writing to Compare” section on pages 50 and 51 in the textbook. The essay is due on Tuesday (9/27). Students can refer to the Informative essay scoring rubric on page R17 in the Resources section of the textbook (in back of book).

Wednesday (9/21): Period 2 – Complete activities on pages 46 – 49 first. Period 2 students may then work on the essay (pages 50 – 51). Essay for period 2 students is due on Wednesday (9/28). Period 8 - Students will work on the essay assignment in the textbook on pages 50 and 51. They may type or hand write the final copy of their essay. Students should follow the planning and prewriting steps outlined in the textbook.

Thursday (9/22): Periods 2 and 8 - Students will work on the essay assignment in the textbook on pages 50 and 51. They may type or hand write the final copy of their essay. Students should follow the planning and prewriting steps outlined in the textbook.

Friday (9/23): Periods 2 and 8 - Students will work on the essay assignment in the textbook on pages 50 and 51. They may type or hand write the final copy of their essay. Students should follow the planning and prewriting steps outlined in the textbook.

Essential Questions: Unit One - What can one generation learn from another?

English 11 (Period 3)

Monday (9/19): Continue “The Parts of the Sentence” notes and practice worksheet. Students already have the practice worksheet from last week. Students should practice identifying each section as it is covered in class.

Tuesday (9/20): Complete definitions and worksheet for the next list of vocabulary words. When finished, each student should get an orange grammar textbook. Students should complete practice exercises on The Parts of the Sentence.

Wednesday (9/21): Review vocabulary definitions, if they were completed yesterday.  Vocabulary quiz will be on Friday.

Thursday (9/22): Continue in grammar textbook (The parts of the sentence) practice exercises.

Friday (9/23): Vocabulary quiz and begin new definitions. Or students can continue practice with the parts of the sentence in the orange grammar textbook.

Essential Questions: Unit One - How can improving our grammar usage and vocabulary skills help to improve our reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities?

PSSA Lang. Arts/SSR 7/8 (Period 5B: A and B Days)

Monday (A) 9/19: SSR session (students will follow the set procedures/expectations for the duration of class)

Tuesday (B) 9/20: SSR session (students will follow the set procedures/expectations for the duration of class)

Wednesday (A) 9/21: SSR session (students will follow the set procedures/expectations for the duration of class)

Thursday (B) 9/22: SSR session (students will follow the set procedures/expectations for the duration of class)

Friday (A) 9/23: SSR session (students will follow the set procedures/expectations for the duration of class)

Essential Questions: Why is it important to read?

How can reading help us improve grades, communication skills, test taking abilities, etc.?

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