Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 25, 2016 - January 29, 2016

1/25/16 – 1/29/16

Academic English 9 (Periods 1, 4)

Monday: Snow Day

Tuesday: Snow Day

Wednesday: Finish reading the short story, “The Cask of Amontillado” together. Students will work in small groups to complete the study guide questions and diagram. Quiz on the short story will be on Wednesday next week (2/3).

Thursday: As a class, we will discuss the study guide for the short story. Students will work on a comic strip to illustrate the events in the story. Comic strip is due on Tuesday.  

Friday: Students will work in small groups on a critical thinking activity and we will discuss this together as a class when finished. Students will use the rest of the time today to work on the comic strip for the story.

Essential Questions: How does learning new vocabulary words help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

What are the elements of short stories and how do authors use these to help enhance their stories?

How does understanding parts of speech help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

Honors English 7 (Periods 2, 8)

Monday: Snow Day

Tuesday: Snow Day

Wednesday: Students will work on their rough draft of the letter of complaint/concern. The rough draft is due on Monday, Feb. 1. The vocabulary quiz on the 8 words from last week will be on Friday (1/29). Students must turn in vocabulary squares on Friday also.

Thursday: Work on letter and continue with grammar. We will discuss the next grammar unit intro. together (verbs). Students will complete practice exercises on kinds of verbs.

Friday: Vocabulary quiz and turn in squares. Discuss verbs section together and exercises. As a class, we will continue to the next section on verbs. Students will complete practice exercises in class.

Essential Questions: How does learning new vocabulary words help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

What are the different kinds of nouns and how do we use them correctly in our own writing?

What are the different kinds of pronouns and how do we use them effectively in our own writing?





Honors Reading 7 (Period 7)

Monday: Snow Day

Tuesday: Snow Day

Wednesday: Notes on “The Lightning Thief.” We will discuss the notes together as they relate to the book.

Thursday: Assign novels and begin reading the first chapter of TLT together in class. Students will also complete study guide questions as we read.

Friday: Continue reading TLT – chapters 1 and 2. Students will complete the study guide questions for chapters 1 and 2 for Monday.

Essential Questions: How does learning background information on a topic help us prepare for reading a novel?

How is reading nonfiction texts different from reading a fictional novel?



PSSA Language Arts 7/8 (Period 5B: Odd and Even Days)

Monday: Snow Day

Tuesday: Snow Day

Wednesday (Odd): Collect signed rules sheet. Students will finish the pre-test for the course in class today.

Thursday (Even): Collect signed rules sheet. Students will finish the pre-test for the course in class today.

Friday (Odd): Check Pre-test – students will self-assess the pre-test they took to determine areas of strength/weakness according to the questions and related skills. We will then begin lesson 1 – central ideas.

What kinds of reading strategies help us navigate and comprehend literature texts?

How can reading strategies, like talking to text, help us understand questions on the PSSA tests?


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