Words Do Not Pay
Chief Joseph
Possible responses:
1. By using “good words” at the beginning of
several statements in a row, Chief Joseph makes the point that words and
promises without action are meaningless. DOK
2. According to Chief Joseph, the white men fail
to see that all men are brothers and should be treated equally under the law. DOK2
3. Chief Joseph means that it is unnatural for a person, especially
one born free, to be happy when denied freedom. DOK 2
4. Responses will vary, but many students will
observe that the final paragraph, in which Chief Joseph makes a deep-felt plea
for freedom, is the particularly effective. DOK 3

Words Do Not Pay
Chief Joseph
Possible responses:
1. The repetition emphasizes the anger that Chief Joseph is feeling
and the hardship and unfairness he and his people have endured.
2. The connotation is negative: these “good words” are empty words,
nothing more than empty promises.
3. Chief Joseph appeals to logic when he writes: “Good words do not
last long unless they amount to something.”
4. Chief Joseph is appealing to
emotion when he spells out the suffering of his people: “Good word will not
stop them from dying” or “get my people a home where they can live in peace.”

Words Do Not Pay
Chief Joseph
Possible responses:
A. 1. False; a group of people with misunderstanding would not be in
agreement. They would not understand each other.
2. Some people today still don’t treat Native
Americans as equals. In addition, Native
American images are still used as mascots for sports teams. There are still
cigar store Indians in front of tobacco shops.
B. 1. misjudge: “to form a wrong opinion”
2. mislead:
“cause someone to have a wrong impression”
3. misfortune: “bad luck”

Words Do Not Pay
Chief Joseph
A. 1. Chief Joseph is
impassioned, eloquent, and honest in his speech.
2. Chief Joseph says words are not paying for
his country, protecting his father’s grave, or paying for his
horse and cattle.
3. Too many misrepresentations have been made,
too many misunderstandings have come up, too much talking has
occurred by men without answers.
4. His words are strong, powerful,
and moving.
5. Let him be free to travel, free to
stop, and free to work.
Possible responses:
B. 1. Good words will
not give me back my children, make the promise of war, or give my people good
2. Correct
3. We are discussing Chief Joseph’s words and
thinking about them critically.
4. All people should have equal rights, all
people are brothers and sisters, and all people should be given freedom.
5. Correct
do you have a summary for the selection words do not pay