10/2/17 – 10/6/17
English Literature –
Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)
Monday (10/2): Students
will review for selection test on “The Medicine Bag” and “Apache Girl’s Rite of
Passage” by checking/discussing responses to the study guide materials from
last week. Test is on Thursday (10/5). The test will be completed online using
Pearson Realize.com. Students will complete the test during class time either
on their own device (phone, etc.) or on an iPad in the classroom.
Tuesday (10/3): (If
needed) Students will review for selection test on “The Medicine Bag” and “Apache
Girl’s Rite of Passage” by checking/discussing responses to the study guide
materials from last week. Test is on Thursday (10/5). If time permits, students
will work on the performance task writing assignment for unit 1 (pages 34 – 39 in
the textbook). Final copy of the performance task narrative is due on
Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students must submit their narrative via
Google Docs.
Wednesday (10/4): Review
for selection test (if needed). Together we will answer questions, clarify confusions,
and use the study materials to prepare for the test tomorrow. In the time that
remains, students will work on their performance task nonfiction narrative.
Thursday (10/5): Unit
1 Selection test 1 – Students will take the test online on Pearson Realize.
They will use their own device or an iPad to take the test. After the test,
students must work on drafting, revising/editing their nonfiction narrative.
Friday (10/6): Peer
review: Students will complete the peer review section on page 39 in the
textbook for their nonfiction narrative. The final copy of the narrative is due
on Wednesday (10/11). It must be submitted via Google Docs to Mrs. Leib.
10/2/17 – 10/6/17
English Composition –
Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)
Monday (10/2): Students
will work on their narrative for the performance task in unit 1 (“What event
changed your understanding of yourself, or that of someone you know?”). Pages
34 – 35 – Focus on prewriting/planning and drafting/transitions. Narrative is
due on 10/11. Narrative must be submitted via Google Docs.
Tuesday (10/3): Work
on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their
own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting
and transitions.
Wednesday (10/4):
Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write
their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on
drafting and transitions.
Thursday (10/5): Work
on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their
own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Focus on revising and editing
on pages 38 – 39 (Peer Review).
Friday (10/6): Study
Island Group Session: Introducing topics in Writing. WIN Time on electronic
devices – Study Island: work on individual lessons (track progress using charts)
– conference with teacher.
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