Monday, September 4, 2017

September 5, 2017 - September 8, 2017

9/5/17 - 9/8/17

English Literature 8
  1. Discuss purpose and importance/participation grade for completing the test and remaining focused for the testing sessions.
  2. Students will refer to instructions on the board explaining how to access the test.
  3. Students will take the test until they are finished.
  4. When finished, students must either read a book quietly or work on the computers (Pearson online) on assignments that have been assigned to them online.

Whole-class Learning
  1. Unit 1 Home Connection Letter
  2. Bell Ringer
  3. Read the story together as a whole class.
  4. Individual students complete the comprehension questions - check answers together (class discussion/classwork grade)
  5. Close read the text in book and on note sheet - individual students work to complete the close read notes (classwork grade/discuss together)
  6. Closure

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Analyze the text questions on page 22 - students work individually and then discuss together as a class.
  3. Analyze craft and structure on page 23 - Discuss what symbols are together and look at examples provided in book, then students work on chart with a partner. Respond to questions in box and complete chart with symbols from the story. Discuss work together as a class.
  4. Closure - “Bruce” story and questions
  5. Quiz tomorrow on First Read extension questions and Symbolism

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Quiz
  3. Writing to sources - page 26 and handout (chart) work in pairs
  4. Closure - Reflect on your writing

9/5/17 - 9/8/17
English Composition 8
  1. Discuss purpose and importance/participation grade for completing the test and remaining focused for the testing sessions.
  2. Students will refer to instructions on the board explaining how to access the test.
  3. Students will take the test until they are finished.
  4. When finished, students must either read a book quietly or work on the computers (Pearson online) on assignments that have been assigned to them online.

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Read launch text looking for narrative elements (mark up text)
  3. Complete word network (handout)
  4. Summarize launch text (page 8)
  5. Write response to quickwrite prompt (page 9)
  6. Closure: Complete evidence log (page 9)

  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Pearson Realize online - teacher will guide students through narrative lesson and students will participate in formative assessment activities along the way for each section.
  3. Pulling it Together activity - handout
  4. Closure - Levels of understanding self assessment/chart


  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Introduce Study Island and how to access it, use it, etc.
  3. Students will work on Ipads/computers to work on lessons on Study Island.
  4. Teacher will conference with students at tables to discuss progress, etc.
  5. Students will complete a progress chart for each standard that they access on Study Island.
  6. Closure - exit ticket

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