Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May 4 - 8, 2020

Graduation Day: Chapter 10

Questions to ponder:
1. How do the symbols on the wrist bands play a part in this story?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 27 - May 1, 2020

Graduation Day: Chapter 9

Questions for thought
1. Who are Kerrick and Marin?
2. Why do you think they are after Cia?
3. How does point of view affect this story? Think about how it might be different if told from another perspective.

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20 - 24, 2020

Graduation Day: Chapter 8

1. What do you think Cia should do about Raffe?
2. What might have happened to the other testing candidates they are talking about in this chapter?
3. What do you think of the test they've create for Raffe? Do you think he will pass?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week of April 13 - 17

Graduation Day: Chapter 7

Questions to think about
1. Do you think someone now knows about Cia's involvement in the plan?
2. Should Cia trust Stacia?
3. What do you think of Stacia's idea about Raffe at the end of the chapter? Should they carry it out?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020

Hi guys! The following info. is posted on Google Classrooms, but I also wanted to post it on here as well.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and figuring out how to work with Google Classroom on your activities. The new ELA 8 assignment for week 2 will post tomorrow (Friday, April 10th). You will have until the following Friday (April 17th at 3:00 pm) to complete it. Please keep in mind that work is still undgraded. However, I am checking work and giving feedback, when possible, and keeping track of participation. I will be keeping record of your participation for each week's activities, and beginning on April 17th all students will be evaluated each week as follows: either highly engaged, engaged, or not yet engaged. Starting on April 17th, we will be moving forward with learning activities for the 4th marking period. This means that assignments posted in Google Classes will now contain new content, skills, etc. This new content is important for all students to know and understand in order to move forward with their education and to be prepared for the next grade level.

Here is a breakdown of what those terms mean.

Highly Engaged:  means a student is actively participating by attending sessions, completing work/tasks, and is proactively communicating with the teacher and classmates.
Engaged: means a student is meeting minimum expectations and/or is partially engaged, attends some learning sessions, and completes some work/tasks.
Not Yet Engaged:  means a student is not engaged in the learning process, does not attend learning sessions, and does not complete tasks/work.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be utilizing some resources from our online textbook (Pearson Realize). If you do not remember how to log on to Pearson, please see below.
Go to: pearsonrealize.com
Username: nsID# (ex: ns1234)
Password: abc123

If you need help getting onto Pearson, please let me know.

Please do your best on the assignments, and if you have any questions please feel free to email me or join my office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00. If you can't make those dates and hours but would like to video chat, just send me an email and I can schedule it for a different day/time if needed. 

Stay safe!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Hi, everyone!

I know you are all busy learning how to navigate your new Google Classes online and figuring out how to complete weekly activities. For those of you who still want to continue "reading" Graduation Day, I will continue to post recordings on here each week with a few questions to ponder for each chapter. I will post the new chapter for the week each Monday.

Graduation Day: Chapter 6

Discussion Questions
1. Who do you think Cia should trust with her plan?
2. Do you think her relationship with Tomas is smart?
3. What do you think will happen when the time comes for Cia to carry out the President's plan? Do you think she will be able to go through with it?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Optional Activity

Graduation Day: Chapter 5

Discussion Questions
1. Think about how point of view affects this story. How might it be different if it were told from another character's perspective, such as Zeen, President Collindar, or Professor Holt?

2. Do you think Ian will become an ally?

3. Make a prediction about what you think will happen next in the upcoming chapters.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great week! I've posted the first week's assignment for you on Google Classroom. You will see it go "live" tomorrow (April 1st). You will see a link to click on that will take you to ReadWorks.org. Just follow the instructions to log onto Readworks using your NS Google account. If you need to create a ReadWorks account, please create it using you NS Google email. Once you've completed it and submit it, I will be able to see that your work is submitted. I will then be able to give you feedback on your work. If you have questions as you get started, just let me know. We'll be taking this one day at a time, so don't stress over the work and just do your best!

I will still be posting chapters from Graduation Day on here if you are interested in finishing that book. Discussion questions are optional, but feel free to comment on them if you'd like. All other activities will be posted on Google Classroom.

Graduation Day: Chapter 4

Discussion Questions
1. Who is Enzo?
2. Why do you think Enzo is trying to help Cia?
3. Do you think Cia should flee and save herself now, or stay and face Professor Holt?

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020 - Google Classroom codes and Google Meet

Hello everyone,

I had some questions about class codes for Google Classroom. All students should have received invitations in your school GMail to join Google Classroom. If you click accept invite in the email message, then it will automatically add you to the class. Or, you can enter the class code. Class codes for my classes are listed below.

Period 1/2 code: g56mqlm

Period 5/6 code: hi6lf7r

Period 7/8 code: n3boc7q

Keystone Literature code: cakgt2k

Also, my virtual office hours will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting this Thursday, April 2nd) from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This will be conducted through Google Meet Hangouts. To access my office hours on Google Meet, click on the link below:

Join Google Hangouts Meet: meet.google.com/jir-kzfv-zet

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Update - March 28, 2020

Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to provide you with an update.  The teachers recently had a virtual meeting with Dr. Ackell, and he provided us with some important information.

The 3rd marking period is now over.  3rd mp grades will be finalized by Friday, April 3rd. If your student has already sent me updates about Study Island topic completion, those grades will be updated in CSIU. If you have not sent updates, those topics will not be counted in the student's grade. Missing Study Island topics will not adversely affect a student's grade. Grades are going to be based only on what was due prior to the closure. Everyone will be receiving extra credit for the March Madness book project. Again, grades will be posted by Friday, April 3rd, and report cards sent home sometime shortly after that.

I have some details about what to expect moving forward.  On Monday or Tuesday, you will be getting a phone call from your student's homeroom teacher.  The teacher will ask you some questions and assist you with technology needs and discuss with you the plan for continuing your student's education during the school closure.

I have set up Google Classrooms for all of my classes.  Students can go on Google Classroom to accept the invite or to their NS gapps email account to accept the invite. They will automatically be added to the class once they click to accept the invite. There will be an assignment available every week on Google Classroom. It is optional, and it will not be graded; however, we advise that you have your student log on and complete the work.  Though it is not technically graded, I will still provide feedback to each student.  As a district, we are offering review and enrichment during the school closure.  In order to maintain continuity of learning, I ask that you have your student participate. If your student needs assistance on joining the Google Classroom, please email me at your convenience.

In addition to Google Classroom, I will be holding office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 in Google Hangouts.  I will be sending you more information about how to access my office hours over the next few days.

For those of you without Internet access, we will be providing printed packets.  More information about packet distribution will be coming out in the phone call you receive on Monday or Tuesday.

I ask that you hold off on any other questions until after your homeroom teacher calls you on Monday or Tuesday.  Please know that I understand that these are difficult times for all, and I plan to be very flexible with 3rd marking period grades and moving forward.

Thank you,
Mrs. Leib

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Optional Activity

Graduation Day: Chapter 3

Discussion Questions
1. Do you think the president's plan will work?
2. Should Cia help carry out the president's plan?
3. What do you think will happen to Cia and her brother, Zeen?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Optional Activity

Graduation Day: Chapter 2

Discussion Questions
1. Do you think it is a coincidence that Cia works as an intern for President Collindar, or is there a reason she was placed there?
2. Should Cia trust President Collindar?
3. Do you think Cia will be able to go through with President Collindar's plan?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Optional Activity

Optional Activity

If you are looking for a good book to listen to right now, the recording below is Chapter 1 of Graduation Day, which is the 3rd book of The Testing trilogy. I hope you enjoy it!

Graduation Day: Chapter 1

Optional Discussion Questions
1. Do you think it is wise for Cia to trust Raffe Jeffries? Why or why not?
2. Why do you think the University is tracking Cia and the other students?
3. Do you think Cia will be able to convince the president to help?

Just click the comment button to respond to discussion questions.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23rd

Hi everybody!

I wanted to give you a little update on some things, since we are all unsure of many things at this point. I have received some March Madness Book Projects via email. If you are able to submit yours to me, you may certainly do so, but it is not required at this time. I have also received some questions about Study Island topics and some have sent me emails that they have completed all of the remaining topics. Again, at this point, if you are able to complete the remaining topics assigned on Study Island, please feel free to do so at your own pace, but it is not a requirement as of right now. Please understand that these will not be graded at this time if you do submit them to me from home while school is still closed. With that said, if you do want to send me anything from home, you can submit them to my email bleib@northschuylkill.net or share them with me via Google. My NS gapps email is bleib@gapps.northschuylkill.net.

Once I receive further instructions from the school district, I will post appropriate updates on here as well.

If you'd like to continue with some interesting readings from the Holocaust unit in our textbook, I have posted a recording on here of the excerpt from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl as well as some discussion questions. You can respond to the questions by clicking on the comment button below. I may also be posting some more optional readings on here. Again, this is OPTIONAL. It will not be graded.

I hope you are all staying safe and practicing social distancing to the best of your ability.

Optional Activity During School Closure
from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (Optional Reading and Questions)
- diary entries

Below is the link to the online audio and text of Anne Frank's diary entries from our Pearson textbook. If you have your book at home with you, the text is on pages 213 - 216. If you would like to log in to your Pearson Realize account, remember the login is ns+lunch code.


If the above link does not work for you, you can listen to the recording I have posted here of the text. Enjoy!   https://drive.google.com/file/d/19s_yr0Jzb6JdLpBQeK59wi2v8UM3Mg6F/view?usp=sharing

Discussion Questions
1. What does Anne say is the reason for starting her diary?
2. Why does Anne start her diary entries with the words Dear Kitty?
3. Though Anne died during the Holocaust, do you think she lives on through her diary? Explain.
4. How do you think Anne was able to remain optimistic throughout her time in hiding?

Optional Challenge: Anne showed us how writing in her diary was a way of escaping the terrible things that were going on around her. She was able to "think her way out" through writing to Kitty in her diary. In our difficult situation today, writing can also serve this same purpose for us. Many of us are fortunate to be able to remain connected with friends and loved ones through technologies like social media. However, if you are feeling ambitious and would like to try writing in your own diary, I challenge you to do so either using paper and pencil, like Anne, or by typing one. There are many formats you can use, such as an online diary or just using notepad or Google Docs. You can even name your diary just like Anne did. You do not have to post any entries or send any to me. This is just a personal challenge if you are willing to try it, or if you are simply looking for a different way to spend your extra time.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 3/16/20 - 3/20/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 3/16: Study Island: Bias and Propaganda
Tuesday 3/17: Study Island: Author’s Argument
Wednesday 3/18: Study Island: Post-Test
Thursday 3/19: Study Island: Finish/re-do topics
Friday 3/20: Study Island: Finish/re-do topics

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 3/16/20 - 3/20/20


Monday (3/16): Bell Ringers; Read excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank in textbook; complete comprehension questions, analyze the text, and craft and structure. Students will receive the study guide for this selection as well.
Study Island – Individual practice: Complete remaining Study Island topics by the end of this week. All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Tuesday (3/17): Bell Ringers; Practice worksheets for excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank.
Study Island – Individual practice: Complete remaining Study Island topics by the end of this week. All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Wednesday (3/18): Bell Ringers; Complete concept vocabulary/word study and conventions for the excerpt (textbook and practice worksheets); work on study guide in preparation for the test.
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish remaining topics. All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due today.

Thursday (3/19): Bell Ringers; Review for test on excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank. Finish study guide for test.
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish Study Island topics for 3rd marking period.

Friday (3/20): Bell Ringer (quiz day); Selection Test on excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank (Pearson Realize); test corrections when finished.
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish topics by end of the day today.

Essential Question - Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Friday, March 6, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 3/9/20 - 3/13/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 3/9: Study Island: Tone, Style, and Mood in Nonfiction
Tuesday 3/10: Study Island: Informational Documents
Wednesday 3/11: Study Island: Directions
Thursday 3/12: Study Island: Text Organization and Graphics
Friday 3/13: Study Island: Fact and Opinion

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 3/9/20 - 3/13/20


Monday (3/9): Bell Ringers; Comprehension questions, analyze the text questions in textbook and practice worksheets; closure quizzes: comprehension and analyze the text (Test on Act 2 is Friday).
Study Island – Individual practice: Organizing ideas (due Monday 3/9), Transitions (due Wednesday 3/11), and Support and Develop Topics (due Friday 3/13). All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Tuesday (3/10): Bell Ringers; Craft and Structure: Character motivation (textbook pg. 189 and practice worksheet); closure quiz on craft and structure; concept vocabulary/word study and conventions (textbook pg. 191 and practice worksheets).
Study Island – Individual practice: Organizing ideas (due Monday 3/9), Transitions (due Wednesday 3/11), and Support and Develop Topics (due Friday 3/13). All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Wednesday (3/11): Bell Ringers; Review practice sections and worksheets on concept vocab./word study and conventions (simple tenses of verbs) together; Read “Frank Family and WWII Timeline” together in textbook (pg. 196-197) and complete comprehension questions on page 198; closure quizzes on concept vocab./word study and conventions.
Study Island – Individual practice: Transitions (due Wednesday 3/11), and Support and Develop Topics (due Friday 3/13). All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Thursday (3/12): Bell Ringers; Review for test on Act 2 of Anne Frank play: Kahoot review game; finish Act 2 study guide; Test on Act 2 is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: Transitions (due Wednesday 3/11), and Support and Develop Topics (due Friday 3/13). All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Friday (3/13): Bell Ringer (quiz day); Selection Test on Anne Frank: Act 2 on Pearson; Test corrections when finished; begin watching film version of Anne Frank play.
Study Island – Individual practice: Support and Develop Topics (due Friday 3/13). All topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period (March 20th). Students may also work on their March Madness Book Presentation during this time. The Book Presentation is due March 18th.

Essential Question - Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Monday, March 2, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 3/2/20 - 3/6/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 3/2: Study Island: Conclusions, Inferences, and Generalizations in Nonfiction
Tuesday 3/3: Study Island: Genres in Nonfiction
Wednesday 3/4: Study Island: Connections Between Texts in Nonfiction
Thursday 3/5: Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Nonfiction
Friday 3/6: Study Island: Setting and Structure in Nonfiction

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 3/2/20 - 3/6/20


Monday (3/2): Bell Ringers; Review Act 1 of Anne Frank (Kahoot review); Return closure quizzes for Act 1; Test on Act 1 is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: Individuals, Ideas, and Events (due Monday 3/2); Introduce and Conclude Topics (due Wednesday 3/4); Task, Purpose, and Audience (due Friday 3/6)

Tuesday (3/3): Bell Ringers; Test on Act 1 on Pearson Realize; turn in test corrections when finished
Study Island – Individual practice: Individuals, Ideas, and Events (due Monday 3/2); Introduce and Conclude Topics (due Wednesday 3/4); Task, Purpose, and Audience (due Friday 3/6)The remaining topics for Study Island have been assigned, so that students can work ahead if they choose to do so. All remaining topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period on March 20th.

Wednesday (3/4): Bell Ringers; Practice worksheets and textbook pages on concept vocabulary and conventions (verbs) for Anne Frank: Act 1 (review responses); closure quizzes on concept vocabulary and conventions. Test on Act 1 is Friday.
Study Island – Individual practice/reading time for March Madness book project; Study Island: Individuals, Ideas, and Events (due Monday 3/2); Introduce and Conclude Topics (due Wednesday 3/4); Task, Purpose, and Audience (due Friday 3/6)

Thursday (3/5): Bell Ringers; Begin reading Act 2 of Anne Frank; make-up tests for Act 1; Students will receive the study guide for Act 2 today as well.
Study Island – Individual practice/reading time for March Madness book project; Study Island: Introduce and Conclude Topics (due Wednesday 3/4); Task, Purpose, and Audience (due Friday 3/6); Organizing Ideas (due Monday 3/9)

Friday (3/6): Bell Ringer (quiz day); Continue reading Act 2 of Anne Frank (work on study guide)
Study Island – Individual practice: Task, Purpose, and Audience (due Friday 3/6); Organizing Ideas (due Monday 3/9)

Essential Question - Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Friday, February 21, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 2/24/2020 - 2/28/2020

Keystone Literature

Monday 2/24: Study Island: Point of View
Tuesday 2/25: Study Island: Cultural and Historical Significance in Fiction
Wednesday 2/26: Study Island: Literary Devices
Thursday 2/27: Study Island: Structure and Elements of Poetry
Friday 2/28: Study Island: Structure and Elements of Drama

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 2/24/2020 - 2/28/2020


Monday (2/24): Bell Ringers; Review comprehension questions for Anne Frank: Act 1 on page 151; comprehension closure quiz; analyze the text questions and craft and structure on pages 152 – 153. Students will work in small groups to analyze the dialogue within act 1. Groups will share out via Google Docs. The link to access group docs is posted on my homework blog. As a class, we will discuss examples provided by groups on the board and discuss the questions that follow from page 153.
Study Island – Individual practice: Fragments and run-ons (due Tuesday); Spelling (due Wednesday); Punctuation (due Friday).

Tuesday (2/25): Bell Ringers; Finish page 153 share-out discussion (if needed); Practice worksheets on text questions and craft and structure – review together; Closure quizzes on analyze the text and craft and structure.
Study Island – Individual practice: Fragments and run-ons (due today); Spelling (due Wednesday); Punctuation (due Friday). The remaining topics for Study Island have been assigned, so that students can work ahead if they choose to do so. All remaining topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period on March 20th.

Wednesday (2/26): Bell Ringers; Practice worksheets and textbook pages on concept vocabulary and conventions (verbs) for Anne Frank: Act 1 (review responses); closure quizzes on concept vocabulary and conventions. Test on Act 1 is Friday.
Study Island – Individual practice/reading time for March Madness book project; Study Island: Spelling (due today); Punctuation (due Friday).

Thursday (2/27): Bell Ringers; review for test on Act 1 of Anne Frank play (Kahoot review game); Test is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice/reading time for March Madness book project; Study Island: Punctuation (due Friday); Individuals, Ideas, and Events (due 3/2).

Friday (2/28): Bell Ringer (quiz day); Selection Test on Anne Frank: Act 1 (Pearson); turn in test corrections when finished; read book for book project.
Study Island – Individual practice: Punctuation (due today); Individuals, Ideas, and Events (due 3/2); Introduce and Conclude Topics in writing (due 3/4).

Essential Question - Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 2/17/2020 - 2/21/2020

Keystone Literature

Monday 2/17: No School – President’s Day
Tuesday 2/18: Study Island: Plot
Wednesday 2/19: Escape Room: Poetry (Sound Devices)
Thursday 2/20: Study Island: Theme
Friday 2/21: Study Island: Tone, Style, and Mood in Fiction

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 2/17/2020 - 2/21/2020


Monday (2/17): No School – President’s Day

Tuesday (2/18): Begin reading the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank” in the textbook. Students will also receive the study guide for Act 1 of the play today. We will read scenes 1 and 2 of Act 1.
Study Island – Individual practice: Affixes and Roots (due Wednesday, 2/19) and Word Relationships (due Friday, 2/21). The remaining topics for Study Island have been assigned, so that students can work ahead if they choose to do so. All remaining topics must be completed by the end of the 3rd marking period on March 20th.

Wednesday (2/19): Continue reading Act 1 of the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank” (scenes 3 and 4).
Study Island – Individual practice: Affixes and roots (due today) and word relationships (due Friday).

Thursday (2/20): Continue reading Act 1 of the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank” (continue scenes 3 and 4 and begin scene 5).
Study Island – Individual practice: Word relationships (due tomorrow). Fragments and run-ons due Tuesday (2/25).

Friday (2/21): Continue reading Act 1 of the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank” (scene 5). Comprehension questions and analyze the text.
Study Island – Individual practice: Word relationships (due today). Fragments and run-ons due Tuesday (2/25).

Essential Question - Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Monday, February 3, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 2/3/20 - 2/7/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 2/3: Study Island: Author’s Technique
Tuesday 2/4: Study Island: Main Idea and Supporting Details
Wednesday 2/5: Study Island: Summarization
Thursday 2/6: Study Island: Conclusions, Inferences, and Generalizations in Fiction
Friday 2/7: Study Island: Genres

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 2/3/20 - 2/7/20

Monday (2/3): Bell Ringers; Students will begin the Unit 3 TDA today. Students will read and annotate an opinion article on their own and then complete a bug organizer for their essay. Bug and completed essay in paragraph format are due: Monday, Feb. 10. Students will have today, tomorrow, and Wednesday to work on the TDA in class.
Study Island – Students should be working on Text Structure. This topic is due tomorrow by the end of class.

Tuesday (2/4): Bell ringers; Work on TDA for Unit 3 (evaluating arguments). TDA is due Monday, Feb. 10.
Study Island – Individual practice: Text Structure (finish by end of class today). New topics: Context Clues in Literature and Context Clues in Informational texts (both due Friday).

Wednesday (2/5): Bell ringers; Work on TDA for Unit 3 (evaluating arguments). TDA is due Monday, Feb. 10.
Study Island – Individual practice: Context Clues in Literature and Context Clues in Informational texts (both due Friday).

Thursday (2/6): Bell ringers; Begin unit 2 (The Holocaust) – pg. 88-89 (jump start and video); complete pages 90 and 91; Launch text (The Grand Mosque of Paris – pg. 92 – 93; summary and quick write (94-95)
Study Island – Individual practice: Context Clues in Literature and informational texts (both due tomorrow).

Friday (2/7): Bell ringer (quiz day); pg. 98-99 (background info. for Unit 2 – read together); video from U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website and video notes worksheet.
Study Island – Finish context clues topics today. New topic: Multiple meaning words (due Tuesday).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?
Unit 2: How do we remember the past?

Friday, January 17, 2020

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 1/27/20 - 1/31/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/27: Study Island: Connotation and Denotation
Tuesday 1/28: Study Island: Constructed Response
Wednesday 1/29: Study Island: Constructed Response
Thursday 1/30: Study Island: Author’s Purpose
Friday 1/31: Study Island: Author’s Technique

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

Keystone Lit. Workshop: 1/20/20 - 1/24/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/20: No school for students: In-Service Day
Tuesday 1/21: Study Island: Synonyms and Antonyms
Wednesday 1/22: Study Island: Affixes and Roots
Thursday 1/23: Study Island: Context Clues
Friday 1/24: Study Island: Multiple Meaning Words

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 1/27/20 - 1/31/20


Monday (1/27): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 3. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – New Topic: Developing Suspense and Humor (hand out lesson notes) – due Wednesday.

Tuesday (1/28): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 4. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” All work should be finished by the end of class today. Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – Individual practice: work on developing suspense and humor (due Wednesday).

Wednesday (1/29): Day 5: Check work in book and on practice worksheets and review for test on “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Pages in book to check are 319 – 322 (do not do research section or write it: notebook section). Test is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: finish developing suspense and humor (due today). New Topic: Compare and contrast structures in literature (due Friday).

Thursday (1/30): Day 6: Selection Test on “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence” on Pearsonrealize.com. Complete test corrections when finished.
Study Island – Individual practice: Compare and contrast structures in literature (due Friday).

Friday (1/31): Read page 324 in textbook (Media Vocabulary) and read background on page 325 in textbook. Watch video on Pearson Realize (The Moth Presents: Aleeza Kazmi). Students can take notes in book on bottom of page 325 during video. Complete comprehension questions on top of page 326 and the two practice worksheets for the video.
Study Island – Finish compare and contrast structures in literature (due today).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

ELA 8: 1/20/20 - 1/24/20


Monday (1/20): Teacher In-Service Day – No School for Students

Tuesday (1/21): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 5 – Check work and review together. Book work is on pages 309 – 312. Discuss responses/answers and prepare for test. Test is tomorrow.
Study Island – Individual practice: work on summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both topics due Friday 1/24).

Wednesday (1/22): Bell ringers; Selection Test on the speech, “Words Do Not Pay” (Pearson Realize). Complete test corrections when finished and turn in.
Study Island – Individual practice: Summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both due Friday).

Thursday (1/23): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 1. Read short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence” together in class. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Students will be assigned new groups for rotation 2 work. Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30. Work to complete in book is on pages 319 – 322.
Study Island – Individual practice: Summarize literature and summarize informational texts (due tomorrow).

Friday (1/24): Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 2) – Day 2. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the short story, “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence.” Review will be on 1/29 and test on 1/30.
Study Island – Finish summarize literature and summarize informational texts (both due today).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 1/13/20 - 1/17/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/13: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Tuesday 1/14: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Wednesday 1/15: Study Island: Finish topics for end of 2nd MP.
Thursday 1/16: Course Introduction: Rules, procedures, etc. Reading passage with questions
Friday 1/17: Practice reading passage with questions

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 1/13/20 - 1/17/20


Monday (1/13): Bell ringers; Pearson Realize – Mid-Year Test. Students will complete the Mid-Year Test on Pearson during both periods today.

Tuesday (1/14): Bell ringers; Finish mid-year test (if needed). Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 1. Read selection together – “Words Do Not Pay.” Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets. Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – New Topic: Plot – lesson notes and begin individual practice (due Friday).

Wednesday (1/15): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 2. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – Individual practice: Plot (due Friday).

Thursday (1/16): Bell ringers; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 3. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.
Study Island – Individual practice: Plot (due tomorrow).

Friday (1/17): Bell ringer; Small group learning for unit 3 (rotation 1) – Day 4. Students will work in assigned groups on work in book and packets for the speech, “Words Do Not Pay.” Review will be on 1/21 and test on 1/22.

Study Island – Finish Plot (due today). New Topics: Summarize Literature and Summarize Informational Texts (both due 1/24).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Keystone Literature Workshop: 1/6/20 - 1/10/20

Keystone Literature

Monday 1/6: Study Island: Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Tuesday 1/7: Study Island: Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Wednesday 1/8: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Thursday 1/9: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics
Friday 1/10: Study Island: Directions, Informational Documents, Author’s Argument, Bias and Propaganda Techniques, Text Organization and Graphics

ELA 8: 1/6/20 - 1/10/20


Monday (1/6): Bell ringers; Podcast and listening questions.
Study Island – Finish characters (due tomorrow) and complete any other topics that are not done for MP 2.

Tuesday (1/7): Bell ringers; Return comprehension closure quiz for Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But…; Analyze the Text closure quiz and analyze craft and structure closure quiz; Practice worksheets for vocabulary/word study and conventions; textbook pages 292 - 293 (conventions). Test on Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But… is on Friday.
Study Island – New topic: Setting (due Thursday); Complete setting and characters first, then any other topics for MP 2.

Wednesday (1/8): Bell ringers; Return analyze the text closure quiz and craft and structure closure quiz; closure quizzes on concept vocab./word study and conventions (sentence structures); prepare for test on Friday (work on study guide)
Study Island – Individual practice: setting (due tomorrow); Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Thursday (1/9): Bell ringers; Return closure quizzes on concept vocabulary/word study and conventions; review game to prepare for test (Kahoot/quizlet).
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish setting; Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Friday (1/10): Bell ringer; Test on Ban the Ban and Soda’s a Problem But… on Pearson Realize. Complete test corrections when finished.
Study Island – Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score. All topics for 2nd MP need to be completed by the end of the day Monday (1/13).

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?