Thursday, September 28, 2017

October 2, 2017 - October 6, 2017

10/2/17 – 10/6/17
English Literature – Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)

Monday (10/2): Students will review for selection test on “The Medicine Bag” and “Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage” by checking/discussing responses to the study guide materials from last week. Test is on Thursday (10/5). The test will be completed online using Pearson Students will complete the test during class time either on their own device (phone, etc.) or on an iPad in the classroom.

Tuesday (10/3): (If needed) Students will review for selection test on “The Medicine Bag” and “Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage” by checking/discussing responses to the study guide materials from last week. Test is on Thursday (10/5). If time permits, students will work on the performance task writing assignment for unit 1 (pages 34 – 39 in the textbook). Final copy of the performance task narrative is due on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students must submit their narrative via Google Docs.

Wednesday (10/4): Review for selection test (if needed). Together we will answer questions, clarify confusions, and use the study materials to prepare for the test tomorrow. In the time that remains, students will work on their performance task nonfiction narrative.

Thursday (10/5): Unit 1 Selection test 1 – Students will take the test online on Pearson Realize. They will use their own device or an iPad to take the test. After the test, students must work on drafting, revising/editing their nonfiction narrative.

Friday (10/6): Peer review: Students will complete the peer review section on page 39 in the textbook for their nonfiction narrative. The final copy of the narrative is due on Wednesday (10/11). It must be submitted via Google Docs to Mrs. Leib.

10/2/17 – 10/6/17
English Composition – Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)

Monday (10/2): Students will work on their narrative for the performance task in unit 1 (“What event changed your understanding of yourself, or that of someone you know?”). Pages 34 – 35 – Focus on prewriting/planning and drafting/transitions. Narrative is due on 10/11. Narrative must be submitted via Google Docs.

Tuesday (10/3): Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions.

Wednesday (10/4): Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions.

Thursday (10/5): Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Focus on revising and editing on pages 38 – 39 (Peer Review).

Friday (10/6): Study Island Group Session: Introducing topics in Writing. WIN Time on electronic devices – Study Island: work on individual lessons (track progress using charts) – conference with teacher.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 25, 2017 - September 29, 2017

Literature: (9/25 - 9/29)

Monday (9/25): Point of view writing assignment – Finish typing final copy of story and submit via Google Docs to Mrs. Leib. Final copy must be submitted by Wednesday (9/27).

Tuesday (9/26): Textbook – page 28 (Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage) – Complete jump start section and media vocabulary. Students will also view the video and complete the first review media guide. Discuss findings on media guide. Complete comprehension questions on page 30.

Wednesday (9/27): Submit final copy of narrative by today. Submit on Google Docs. Students will also share their responses for the comprehension questions on page 30 for the video viewed yesterday. Students will then complete page 31 (close review, analyze the media questions, and language development questions. We will check/discuss each section together.

Thursday (9/28): Textbook – page 32. Students will compare/contrast the short story, “The Medicine Bag” and the video, “Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage.” They will complete the chart on page 32 and answer the notebook questions at the bottom of the page to analyze similarities and difference with various elements of the two. As a class, we will discuss responses.

Friday (9/29): Review key concepts/skills from “The Medicine Bag” short story and the video. Students will receive study guide materials to practice and prepare for the selection test. The test will be on Tuesday (10/3).

Composition: (9/25 - 9/29)

Monday (9/25): Finish narrative elements lesson online (if needed). Students will then work on their narrative for the performance task in unit 1 (“What event changed your understanding of yourself, or that of someone you know?”). Pages 34 – 35 – Focus on prewriting/planning. Narrative is due on 10/6. Narrative must be submitted via Google Docs.

Tuesday (9/26): Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions.

Wednesday (9/27): Study Island Group Session: Introductions and Conclusions. Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions.

Thursday (9/28): Work on nonfiction narrative for unit 1 performance task. Students will write their own individual narrative addressing the prompt. Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions and revising and editing on pages 38 – 39.

Friday (9/29): Study Island Group Session: Developing and Supporting Topics in Writing. WIN Time on ipads/Chromebooks – Study Island: work on individual lessons (track progress using charts) – conference with teacher.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 18, 2017 - September 22, 2017

English Literature – Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)
Monday (9/18): Page 26 in textbook – Writing to Sources assignment – Students will be introduced to the assignment and complete the chart on the handout (point of view). As a class, we will discuss responses to the point of view chart that students completed. Students will then be assigned a partner to work with on the assignment on page 26 (retell the story, “The Medicine Bag” from Grandpa’s point of view). Story is due on Friday (9/22).

Wednesday (9/20): Work with partners to write a retelling of the story from a different point of view. Use checklist to make sure narrative elements are included in story. Use transitions in story as well.

Thursday (9/21): Work on retelling of the story with partner (due tomorrow). If finished, students will complete the monologue assignment on page 27.

Friday (9/22): Turn in retelling of the short story today. Textbook – page 28 (Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage) – Complete jump start section and media vocabulary. Students will also view the video and complete the first review media guide. Discuss findings on media guide.

English Composition – Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)
Monday (9/18): Active and Passive Voice – students will write sentences in the passive voice, and then rotate seats to rewrite them in active voice. Students will work together to check and make corrections. Students will then work with their team to teach a mini-lesson on a sentence that they have changed from passive to active voice. Teams must act out the action(s) in the sentence during their mini-lesson. Teams will present tomorrow. Quiz on active and passive voice will be on Thursday.
Tuesday (9/19): Active and Passive Voice – mini-lesson presentations. Students will finish preparing for their mini-lesson and teams will present/act-out their sentences. Teams must show how they changed the sentence from passive to active voice, and they must point out the key difference between the two sentences. 
Wednesday (9/20): Finish mini-lessons on active/passive voice (if needed). Narrative elements notes on Pearson Students will participate/view a lesson on the various aspects of narrative via an interactive lesson on Pearson Realize. Students can participate in the practice sections using their devices. 
Thursday (9/21): Quiz on active/passive voice. Finish narrative elements lesson online (if needed). Students will then work on their narrative for the performance task in unit 1 (“What event changed your understanding of yourself, or that of someone you know?”). Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions. 
Friday (9/22): WIN Time on ipads/computers (Maker Space) – Study Island: finish ELA benchmark test first and then work on individual lessons (track progress using charts) – conference with teacher.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

September 11, 2017 - September 15, 2017

9/11/17 – 9/15/17

English Literature 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)

Monday (9/11): Discuss/review together close read notes (p. 22) from the short story, “The Medicine Bag.” Discuss/review analyze the text questions on page 22. Introduce symbolism on page 23 and complete “practice” chart.

Tuesday (9/12): Discuss work on chart with symbolism from short story (p. 23) Quiz on symbolism tomorrow. Writing to sources activity in book on page 26. Focus on point of view within the story and retell the story from a different point of view. Students will write their retelling with a partner. Narrative is due on Friday (9/15).

Wednesday (9/13): Quiz on symbolism. Partners will work on their retelling of the story written from a different point of view.

Thursday (9/14): Work on retelling of the story with partner (due tomorrow). If finished, students will complete the monologue assignment on page 27.

Friday (9/15): Turn in retelling of the short story today. Textbook – page 28 (Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage) – Complete jump start section and media vocabulary. Students will also view the video and complete the first review media guide. Discuss findings on media guide.

Essential Questions: Unit One – What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

English Composition 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)

Monday (9/11): Concept vocabulary on page 24 (Why these words, practice, and word study sections), vocabulary squares (whiteboards activity). If time permits, discuss and complete conventions work on page 25. Quiz on concept vocab. words on Thursday.

Tuesday (9/12): Conventions (page 25) – discuss/review responses (read it and write it sections). Quiz on conventions (active and passive voice) on Thursday. Students will view narrative notes and details/examples on interactive board (Pearson Realize). They will also participate in interactive activities to practice each section of the narrative lesson.

Wednesday (9/13): Students will participate in interactive activities and discuss narrative elements in order to prepare to write their own narrative for the performance task in unit 1. Introduce performance task on pages 34-35 of the textbook. Students will also view/read a model narrative in the book and on board together. Individual student narrative is due on September 22.

Thursday (9/14): Quiz on concept vocabulary and conventions. Students will also work on their narrative for the performance task in unit 1 (“What event changed your understanding of yourself, or that of someone you know?”). Pages 36-37 – Focus on drafting and transitions.

Friday (9/15): WIN Time on ipads/computers (Maker Space) – Study Island: finish ELA benchmark test first and then work on individual lessons (track progress using charts) – conference with teacher.

Essential Questions: Unit One – What are some milestones on the path to growing up?

Monday, September 4, 2017

September 5, 2017 - September 8, 2017

9/5/17 - 9/8/17

English Literature 8
  1. Discuss purpose and importance/participation grade for completing the test and remaining focused for the testing sessions.
  2. Students will refer to instructions on the board explaining how to access the test.
  3. Students will take the test until they are finished.
  4. When finished, students must either read a book quietly or work on the computers (Pearson online) on assignments that have been assigned to them online.

Whole-class Learning
  1. Unit 1 Home Connection Letter
  2. Bell Ringer
  3. Read the story together as a whole class.
  4. Individual students complete the comprehension questions - check answers together (class discussion/classwork grade)
  5. Close read the text in book and on note sheet - individual students work to complete the close read notes (classwork grade/discuss together)
  6. Closure

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Analyze the text questions on page 22 - students work individually and then discuss together as a class.
  3. Analyze craft and structure on page 23 - Discuss what symbols are together and look at examples provided in book, then students work on chart with a partner. Respond to questions in box and complete chart with symbols from the story. Discuss work together as a class.
  4. Closure - “Bruce” story and questions
  5. Quiz tomorrow on First Read extension questions and Symbolism

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Quiz
  3. Writing to sources - page 26 and handout (chart) work in pairs
  4. Closure - Reflect on your writing

9/5/17 - 9/8/17
English Composition 8
  1. Discuss purpose and importance/participation grade for completing the test and remaining focused for the testing sessions.
  2. Students will refer to instructions on the board explaining how to access the test.
  3. Students will take the test until they are finished.
  4. When finished, students must either read a book quietly or work on the computers (Pearson online) on assignments that have been assigned to them online.

Whole-class learning:
  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Read launch text looking for narrative elements (mark up text)
  3. Complete word network (handout)
  4. Summarize launch text (page 8)
  5. Write response to quickwrite prompt (page 9)
  6. Closure: Complete evidence log (page 9)

  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Pearson Realize online - teacher will guide students through narrative lesson and students will participate in formative assessment activities along the way for each section.
  3. Pulling it Together activity - handout
  4. Closure - Levels of understanding self assessment/chart


  1. Bell Ringer
  2. Introduce Study Island and how to access it, use it, etc.
  3. Students will work on Ipads/computers to work on lessons on Study Island.
  4. Teacher will conference with students at tables to discuss progress, etc.
  5. Students will complete a progress chart for each standard that they access on Study Island.
  6. Closure - exit ticket