Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014 - September 12, 2014

9-8-14 to 9-12-14


  • Academic English 8 – Appositives Quiz; Coordinating Conjunctions: Introduce; Activities 1, 2, 3 (Essential Question: How do conjunctions function in language in order to help us communicate?)


·         Academic English 7 – Vocabulary quiz on Unit One. Groups will work on Sentences Lesson project for remainder of time. Lessons due tomorrow. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


·         Honors English 7 – Vocabulary quiz on Unit One. Groups will work on Sentences Lesson project for remainder of time. Lessons due tomorrow. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


  • Practical English 10 – Vocab. squares: list 2. Test on nouns. Begin notes on pronouns. (Essential Question: How do pronouns function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)


  • Honors Reading 7 – Reader’s Writer’s Log: AR books. RACERS strategy – Students will respond to an open-ended prompt using this strategy and we will discuss it together on the board. Introduction to think aloud reading strategy and talking to text strategy. (Essential Question: What reading strategies do “good readers” utilize and how do we use those strategies to navigate through nonfiction texts?)



  • Academic English 8 – Coordinating conjunctions (activities 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 in packet). (Essential Question: How do conjunctions function in language in order to help us communicate?)


  • Academic English 7 – Groups will present their lesson projects today. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


  • Honors English 7 - Groups will present their Lesson projects today. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


  • Practical English 10 – Vocabulary squares: list 2.  Continue notes on pronouns. Pronouns practice worksheet. (Essential Question: How do pronouns function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)


  • Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log. Introduction to think aloud and talking to text strategy. Students will begin reading “The Three Century Woman” together in class using these strategies. (Essential Question: What reading strategies do “good readers” utilize and how do we use those strategies to navigate through nonfiction texts?)


  • Academic English 8 – Continue working on coordinating conjunctions (activities 1-6 in packet). (Essential Question: How do conjunctions function in language in order to help us communicate?)


  • Academic English 7 – Vocabulary Unit Two: Discuss definitions and work on exercises. Exercises 1-3 due Friday. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


  • Honors English 7 – Vocabulary Unit Two: Discuss definitions and work on exercises. Exercises 1-6 due Friday. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)


  • Practical English 10 – Vocab. list 2 definitions; Pronouns (textbook p. 9); Pronouns practice worksheets. (Essential Question: How do pronouns function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)



  • Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log: AR books. Students will continue reading “The Three Century Woman” using think aloud and talking to text strategies. (Essential Question: What reading strategies do “good readers” utilize and how do we use those strategies to navigate through nonfiction texts?)


  • Academic English 8 – Quiz on coordinating conjunctions. Introduce correlative conjunctions and complete activities 7 and 8 in packet. (Essential Question: How do conjunctions function in language in order to help us communicate?)


  • Academic English 7 – Re-visit sections from Parts of a Sentence Unit (if necessary). Otherwise, continue on to Nouns (p. 70) (Essential Question: How do we use nouns effectively in spoken and written language?)


  • Honors English 7 – Re-visit sections from Parts of a Sentence Unit (if necessary). Otherwise, continue on to Nouns (p. 70) (Essential Question: How do we use nouns effectively in spoken and written language?)


  • Practical English 10 – Vocab. list 2 definitions; Pronouns: complete practice worksheets. (Essential Question: How do pronouns function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)



  • Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log: AR books. Students will continue reading “The Three Century Woman” using think aloud and talking to text strategies. (Essential Question: What reading strategies do “good readers” utilize and how do we use those strategies to navigate through nonfiction texts?)


  • Academic English 8 – Correlative Conjunctions: Quiz; Subordinating Conjunctions; Introduce and complete activities 9, 10, 11 (Essential Question: How do conjunctions function in language in order to help us communicate?)


  • Academic English 7 – Review vocabulary unit two; discuss vocab. exercises; vocab. unit two quiz on Monday. (Essential Question: How do we use nouns effectively in spoken and written language?)


  • Honors English 7 – Review vocabulary unit two; discuss vocab. exercises; vocab. unit two quiz on Monday. (Essential Question: How do we use nouns effectively in spoken and written language?)


  • Practical English 10 – Vocab. list two definitions; Review worksheets for vocab.; vocab. test next week for list two. (Essential Question: How do pronouns function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)



  • Honors Reading 7 – Students will finish reading “The Three Century Woman” and continue with reading the next piece, “The Fall of the Hindenburg.” They will use the talking to text strategy while reading also. (Essential Question: What reading strategies do “good readers” utilize and how do we use those strategies to navigate through nonfiction texts?)

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