9-22-14 to 9-26-14
- Academic English 8 – Vocabulary test on units 1 and 2. Complete vocabulary exercises for units 3 and 4. (Essential Question: How can we use new vocabulary words in speaking and writing?)
- Academic English 7 – Vocabulary Unit 3 introduction and work on exercises. Exercises 1-3 are due on Thursday. Test is Friday. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Honors English 7 – Vocabulary Unit 3 introduction and work on exercises. Exercises 1-3 are due on Thursday. Test is Friday. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Practical English 10 – Vocabulary test on list 2. Turn in vocab. Squares and review sheets for list 2. Begin notes on adjectives. (Essential Question: How do adjectives function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)
- Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log: AR books. Work on autobiography project. (Essential Question: What are the essential elements of nonfiction and how do these help to communicate through nonfiction pieces?)
- Academic English 8 – Discuss vocab. Units 3 and 4 together. (Essential Question: How can we use new vocabulary words in speaking and writing?)
- Academic English 7 – Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates – review worksheet. Finding the subject: discuss and complete practice exercises. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Honors English 7 – Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates – review worksheet. Finding the subject: discuss and complete practice exercises. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Practical English 10 – Vocab. Squares for list 3. Finish adjectives notes and complete practice worksheet. (Essential Question: How do adjectives function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)
- Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log (AR books); Work on autobiography project (Due Friday). (Essential Question: What are the essential elements of nonfiction and how do these help to communicate through nonfiction pieces?)
- Academic English 8 – Vocabulary test on units 3 and 4. Complete exercises for vocabulary units 5 and 6. (Essential Question: How can we use new vocabulary words in speaking and writing?)
- Academic English 7 – Finding the subject: complete practice exercises and worksheet. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Honors English 7 – Finding the subject: complete practice exercises and worksheet. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Practical English 10 – Vocab. squares – list 3; Complete vocab. Review sheets for list 3 and discuss. Test on list 3 will be on Monday. (Essential Question: How do adjectives function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)
- Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log: AR books. Introduce citing sources – notes. (Essential Question: What are the essential elements of nonfiction and how do these help to communicate through nonfiction pieces?)
- Academic English 8 – Discuss vocabulary units 5 and 6. Test is tomorrow for these units. (Essential Question: How can we use new vocabulary words in speaking and writing?)
- Academic English 7 – Check vocabulary exercises for completion. Conjunctions – discuss and complete practice exercises. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Honors English 7 – Check vocabulary exercises for completion. Conjunctions – discuss and complete practice exercises. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Practical English 10 – Adjectives exercises in textbook; review sheet. (Essential Question: How do adjectives function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)
- Honors Reading 7 – Reader-Writer Log: AR books. Citing sources – notes and practice; Notes on paraphrasing and direct quotes. (Essential Question: What are the essential elements of nonfiction and how do these help to communicate through nonfiction pieces?)
- Academic English 8 – Vocabulary test on units 5 and 6. Complete exercises for vocab. Units 7 and 8. Exercises 1 to 3 for each unit are due on Monday. (Essential Question: How can we use new vocabulary words in speaking and writing?)
- Academic English 7 – Vocabulary test on unit 3 and turn in unit 3 packet. Conjunctions – practice exercises and worksheet. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Honors English 7 – Vocabulary test on unit 3 and turn in unit 3 packet. Conjunctions – practice exercises and worksheet. (Essential Question: What parts make up effective sentences and how do they work together?)
- Practical English 10 – Adjectives review sheet – discuss; vocabulary review game. Vocab. Test Monday on list 3. Adjectives test on Wednesday. (Essential Question: How do adjectives function within a sentence to help us effectively communicate?)
- Honors Reading 7 – Discuss biographical sketch assignment and begin research. (Essential Question: What are the essential elements of nonfiction and how do these help to communicate through nonfiction pieces?)
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