Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 11, 2016 - January 15, 2016

1/11/16 – 1/15/16

Academic English 9 (Periods 1, 4)

Monday: Grammar Study: Review notes on nouns and pronouns and complete practice exercises. Review for mid-term exam. The exam for period 1 is on Wednesday, Jan. 13th. The period 4 exam is on Friday, Jan. 15th.

Tuesday: Review for mid-term exam.

Wednesday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Thursday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Friday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Essential Questions: How does learning new vocabulary words help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

What are the elements of short stories and how do authors use these to help enhance their stories?

How does understanding parts of speech help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

Honors English 7 (Periods 2, 8)

Monday: Review for mid-term exam. The exam for period 2 is on Wednesday, Jan. 13th. The exam for period 8 is on Tuesday, Jan. 19th.

Tuesday: Review for mid-term exam.

Wednesday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Thursday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Friday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Essential Questions: How does learning new vocabulary words help us become better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners?

What are the different kinds of nouns and how do we use them correctly in our own writing?

What are the different kinds of pronouns and how do we use them effectively in our own writing?





Honors Reading 7 (Period 7)

Monday: Read nonfiction article about Greek mythology to gain background information for the novel, The Lightning Thief.

Tuesday: Review for mid-term exam. The exam in period 7 is on Tuesday, Jan. 19th.

Wednesday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Thursday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Friday: Mid-term exams – early dismissal

Essential Questions: How does learning background information on a topic help us prepare for reading a novel?

How is reading nonfiction texts different from reading a fictional novel?



PSSA Language Arts 7/8 (Period 5B: Odd and Even Days)

Monday (Even): Students will finish the summary and character quiz questions and turn these in by the end of class today.

Tuesday (Odd): Students will continue the post-test today and turn in the test when finished.

Wednesday (Even): As a class, we will review the concepts examined in the literature unit. Students will take the course post-test on Friday.

Thursday (Odd): Students will study and prepare for exams.

Friday (Even): Students will take the post-test today. They must finish and turn in the completed test by the end of the period.

What kinds of reading strategies help us navigate and comprehend literature texts?

How can reading strategies, like talking to text, help us understand questions on the PSSA tests?

What do literary devices, such as imagery, theme, etc. add to works of literature and how do we identify them?

How is reading works of literature, such as fictional novels and short stories, different from reading nonfiction pieces?

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