10/28/13 – 11/01/13
Reading 8
– Students will be given a writing assignment to complete (p. 499 in
textbook). They must choose one person to write about who took risks in order
to achieve a goal or to help others. They will write an essay on this person
for next week. Due date for final copy of essay is Thursday, November 7th.
Bell ringer check today. Students will also go to the library as a class to
check out new A.R. books, renew, or return books.
Reading 7
– Students will work on creating their instructions and signs for part of
the class today. As a class, we will also review for a quiz on nonfiction
(notes from p. 410-411 in textbook). Quiz will be on Thursday, Oct. 31st.
Bell ringer check today as well.
Literature 10 – Students will continue reading “Fahrenheit 451” together.
They will complete the active reading guide as they read. Students will also
discuss Beatty’s lecture together and they will compare details about the
society in the book to our current society.
Reading 8
– Students will be given a writing assignment to complete (p. 499 in
textbook). They must choose one person to write about who took risks in order
to achieve a goal or to help others. They will write an essay on this person
for next week. Due date for final copy of essay is Thursday, November 7th.
Students will work on computers to research the person they are writing about.
They must include three significant details to support their main idea.
Students will include in-text citations within their essay and a bibliography
to show sources.
Reading 7
–Students will read a persuasive speech in the textbook. While reading,
students will examine facts vs. opinions, persuasive techniques, and respond to
questions about the text. Study for quiz on nonfiction.
Literature 10 – As a class, we will continue reading part one of
“Fahrenheit 451” and students will complete the active reading guide as they
read. When finished part one, we will review for a quiz tomorrow.
Reading 8
– Students will work on computers to research the person they are writing
about. They must include three significant details to support their main idea.
Students will include in-text citations within their essay and a bibliography
to show sources.
Reading 7
– Students will share their instruction manuals or signs today with the
class. When finished, students will continue working on the persuasive speech
questions, etc.
Literature 10 – Students will take a quiz on part one of “Fahrenheit 451”
today. When finished, we will continue reading part two of the book. Students
will complete the active reading guide questions as they read as well.
Reading 8
– Students will work on computers to write their biographical essay. They
must cite sources correctly within the essay and include a works cited page to
list references. They must have at least one source listed.
Reading 7
– Students will take a quiz on nonfiction today. When finished, we will
discuss the persuasive speech that students read this week. We will examine
responses to the questions in the packet and identify examples of fact,
opinion, and persuasive techniques from the speech. Students will also compare
and contrast a persuasive speech and a persuasive essay.
Literature 10 – Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to
analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in
the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading
Reading 8
– Students will work on computers to write their biographical essay. They
must cite sources correctly within the essay and include a works cited page to
list references. They must have at least one source listed.
Reading 7
– Students will complete a lesson on persuasive writing and propaganda
techniques in writing. Students will analyze two selections and identify the
different types of persuasion and propaganda. Students will also respond to an
open-ended question using the RACERS format.
Literature 10 - Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to
analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in
the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading
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