Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013 - November 1, 2013

10/28/13 – 11/01/13

·         Reading 8 – Students will be given a writing assignment to complete (p. 499 in textbook). They must choose one person to write about who took risks in order to achieve a goal or to help others. They will write an essay on this person for next week. Due date for final copy of essay is Thursday, November 7th. Bell ringer check today. Students will also go to the library as a class to check out new A.R. books, renew, or return books.

·         Reading 7 – Students will work on creating their instructions and signs for part of the class today. As a class, we will also review for a quiz on nonfiction (notes from p. 410-411 in textbook). Quiz will be on Thursday, Oct. 31st. Bell ringer check today as well.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will continue reading “Fahrenheit 451” together. They will complete the active reading guide as they read. Students will also discuss Beatty’s lecture together and they will compare details about the society in the book to our current society.

·         Reading 8 – Students will be given a writing assignment to complete (p. 499 in textbook). They must choose one person to write about who took risks in order to achieve a goal or to help others. They will write an essay on this person for next week. Due date for final copy of essay is Thursday, November 7th. Students will work on computers to research the person they are writing about. They must include three significant details to support their main idea. Students will include in-text citations within their essay and a bibliography to show sources.

·         Reading 7 –Students will read a persuasive speech in the textbook. While reading, students will examine facts vs. opinions, persuasive techniques, and respond to questions about the text. Study for quiz on nonfiction.

·         Practical Literature 10 – As a class, we will continue reading part one of “Fahrenheit 451” and students will complete the active reading guide as they read. When finished part one, we will review for a quiz tomorrow.

·         Reading 8 – Students will work on computers to research the person they are writing about. They must include three significant details to support their main idea. Students will include in-text citations within their essay and a bibliography to show sources.

·         Reading 7 – Students will share their instruction manuals or signs today with the class. When finished, students will continue working on the persuasive speech questions, etc.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will take a quiz on part one of “Fahrenheit 451” today. When finished, we will continue reading part two of the book. Students will complete the active reading guide questions as they read as well.

·         Reading 8 – Students will work on computers to write their biographical essay. They must cite sources correctly within the essay and include a works cited page to list references. They must have at least one source listed.

·         Reading 7 – Students will take a quiz on nonfiction today. When finished, we will discuss the persuasive speech that students read this week. We will examine responses to the questions in the packet and identify examples of fact, opinion, and persuasive techniques from the speech. Students will also compare and contrast a persuasive speech and a persuasive essay.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading guide.

·         Reading 8 – Students will work on computers to write their biographical essay. They must cite sources correctly within the essay and include a works cited page to list references. They must have at least one source listed.

·         Reading 7 – Students will complete a lesson on persuasive writing and propaganda techniques in writing. Students will analyze two selections and identify the different types of persuasion and propaganda. Students will also respond to an open-ended question using the RACERS format.

·         Practical Literature 10 - Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading guide.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 21, 2013 - October 25, 2013

10/21/2013 - 10/25-2013

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will continue reading “Harriet Tubman…” and students will continue to add to their double-entry journal as we read. When finished, students will complete the critical thinking questions on page 496 and the after you read questions on page 497.

·         Reading 7 – Students will discuss “Life without Gravity” today as a class. We will write examples for the KWL chart on the board and discuss these together. Students will also complete questions on a worksheet today based on the essay.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will continue reading “Fahrenheit 451” together. They will complete the active reading guide as they read.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will discuss the critical thinking questions and after you read questions in the textbook from “Harriet Tubman…” Students will turn in this work today along with their double-entry journal sheet.

·         Reading 7 – Students will participate in a gallery walk where they will be responsible for reading each other’s article summaries. They must then comment on or write a question about the summaries that they read. We will discuss these as a class and we will also discuss the author’s purpose and intended audience of sample articles brought into class. Students will turn in their article assignment today as well.

·         Practical Literature 10 – As a class, we will continue reading part one of “Fahrenheit 451” and students will complete the active reading guide as they read. When finished part one, we will review for a quiz tomorrow.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will discuss the critical thinking questions and after you read questions in the textbook from “Harriet Tubman…” Students will turn in this work today along with their double-entry journal sheet.

·         Reading 7 – Students will discuss the worksheet questions from “Life without Gravity.” We will identify the purpose of this expository essay and the audience it was written for. Students will turn in their worksheets today.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will take a quiz on part one of “Fahrenheit 451” today. When finished, we will continue reading part two of the book. Students will complete the active reading guide questions as they read as well.

·         Reading 8 – Students will complete a biographical sketch assignment (p. 499 in textbook) relating to the narrative essay that they just read. Students will work on brainstorming and writing their rough draft today in class.

·         Reading 7 – Students will read “How to Recognize Venomous Snakes” in the textbook (p. 531). As students read, they must use the talking to text strategy and then complete the worksheet questions that follow. They will be completing a chart to analyze the instructions given within the passage.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading guide.

·         Reading 8 – Students will complete a biographical sketch assignment (p. 499 in textbook) relating to the narrative essay that they just read. Students will work on brainstorming and writing their rough draft today in class.

·         Reading 7 – Students will continue reading “How to Recognize…” and they will complete the worksheets and talking to text notes as they read. As a class, we will discuss the worksheet questions together and how this expository piece is different from previous texts. We will discuss purpose and audience and formal vs. informal language as well as technical vocabulary.

·         Practical Literature 10 - Students will examine key points in “Fahrenheit 451” to analyze characters’ dialogue. We will also identify literary devices used in the novel. Students will continue to read and complete the active reading guide.

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 14, 2013 - October 18, 2013

Monday – No School for Students (Teacher In-service day)

·         Reading 8 – Students will read the narrative essay, “Harriet Tubman…” (p. 485) together as a class and focus on identifying the main idea and supporting details within the essay. Students will complete a double-entry journal as they read the selection to identify significant quotes and respond to these.

·         Reading 7 – Students will read pages 408-409 in textbook on “essays.” We will discuss together the purpose of an essay, audience, and the different types of essays that writers use. Students will be assigned to bring in a magazine or newspaper article of their choice. They must summarize the article/essay and identify the author’s purpose for writing it and the audience it was intended for. This assignment is due Tuesday of next week. Students will then complete the first two columns of a KWL chart before they read an essay from the textbook. Students will begin reading the essay, “Life without Gravity” in the textbook (p. 424) and complete the “L” column of the chart as they read and also complete talking to text notes as they read.

·         Practical Literature 10 – As a class, students will continue reading part one of “Fahrenheit 451” together. Students will complete discussion questions for part one as we read. We will discuss these at the completion of part one.

·         Reading 8 – Students will read the narrative essay, “Harriet Tubman…” (p. 485) together as a class and focus on identifying the main idea and supporting details of the essay. Students will complete a double-entry journal as they read the selection to identify significant quotes and respond to these.

·         Reading 7 – Students will continue reading “Life without Gravity” from the textbook and working on completing the “L” column of the chart and talking to text notes. When finished, students will complete the critical thinking questions on page 428 and after you read questions on page 429 focusing on main idea.

·         Practical Literature 10 – As a class, we will discuss the questions for part one together and students will also identify and discuss the literary devices from part one. Students will have a quiz on part one tomorrow.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will continue reading “Harriet Tubman…” and students will continue to add to their double-entry journal as we read. When finished, students will complete the critical thinking questions on page 496 and the after you read questions on page 497.

·         Reading 7 – Students will finish the questions and KWL chart for “Life Without Gravity.” As a class, we will discuss the KWL chart together on the board and the questions that students completed. We will discuss what the main idea of the essay was and how we figured out what it was. Students will turn in their work today.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will take a quiz on part one of “Fahrenheit 451” today. They will then continue reading the book (part two) and will complete discussion questions for part two.

Friday – No School for Students (Act 80 Day)

Friday, October 4, 2013

October 7, 2013 - October 11, 2013

October 7, 2013 – October 11, 2013

·         Reading 8 – Students will finish the PSSA lesson packet on using context clues from last week. As a class, we will discuss key points in the packet together and clarify confusions.

·         Reading 7 – Students will present their biographical sketch projects today to the class (PowerPoint presentation or poster board).

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will finish presenting their work from the science fiction poster project. They will read their paragraphs and explain images on their posters. We will then discuss the introduction notes on Fahrenheit 451 together on the board.

·         Reading 8 – Students will finish the PSSA lesson packet on using context clues from last week. As a class, we will discuss key points in the packet together and clarify confusions.

·         Reading 7 – Students will present their biographical sketch projects today to the class (PowerPoint presentation or poster board).

·         Practical Literature 10 – As a class, we will discuss the history related to Fahrenheit 451. Students will begin reading Fahrenheit 451 together as a class and students will complete the discussion questions as we read.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will examine the open-ended prompt from the PSSA lesson packet that students completed on the RACERS sheet. We will examine responses on the board together and look at what an exemplary response should look like. Students will then turn in all their work from the packet. We will then begin exploring narrative essays and their structure, purpose, etc. Students will begin reading “Harriet Tubman…” in the textbook (p. 485).

·         Reading 7 – If needed, we will finish any project presentations today. Students will then complete a PSSA lesson on using context clues to decode meanings of unfamiliar words. Students will use the RACERS pre-writing sheet to answer the open-ended question in the packet as well.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will continue reading Fahrenheit 451 and will complete the discussion questions as they read.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will examine the open-ended prompt from the PSSA lesson packet that students completed on the RACERS sheet. We will examine responses on the board together and look at what an exemplary response should look like. Students will then turn in all their work from the packet. We will then begin exploring narrative essays and their structure, purpose, etc. Students will begin reading “Harriet Tubman…” in the textbook (p. 485).

·         Reading 7 – Students will continue working on the PSSA lesson on context clues. They will finish these today in class and we will begin to discuss key items in the lesson. We will examine the open-ended response on the board together in detail. Students will turn in their work for the lesson.

·         Practical Literature 10 – Students will continue reading Fahrenheit 451 and will complete the discussion questions as they read.

·         Reading 8 – As a class, we will read the nonfiction piece, “Harriet Tubman…” (p. 485) together. Students will discuss this together as we read and write down any talking to text questions they have while reading.

·         Reading 7 – Students will read an article (“Caffeine in Gum”) and use the talking to text strategy as they read. They will also respond to an open-ended question using the RACERS guide sheet. We will discuss notes and responses together. Students will then turn in their work.

·         Practical Literature 10 - Students will continue reading Fahrenheit 451 and will complete the discussion questions as they read. We will also discuss literary devices presented in the book and students will identify examples of these in the reading.