· Academic English 9 – Check vocabulary definitions; review definitions, worksheet, and sentences for vocab. lesson 16B. Students will also analyze Act 4, scenes 4 and 5 by discussing the study guide questions as a class.
· Practical Literature 11 – Students will read Act 4 of Hamlet together as a class with assigned parts. Students will also complete study guide questions together by discussing in small groups and as a class.
· Y.E.S. - Students will continue to discuss notes on emotional intelligence and students will complete group activities comparing/contrasting IQ vs. EQ together.
· Academic English 9 – Students will read R. and J. Act 5, scenes 1 and 2 together as a class and discuss study guide questions for these scenes together as a class. Students will also review for the quiz on Act 4 together as a class.
· Practical Literature 11 – Students will continue reading Act 4 of Hamlet together with assigned parts. Students will also complete the study guide questions in small groups and we will discuss these as a class as well.
· Y.E.S. - Students will discuss personal competence and social competence and take notes on these topics. As a class, we will also analyze case studies for these topics together and students will complete group activities together in class.
· Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on Act 4 of R. and J. Students will then continue reading R. and J. together as a class (Act 5, scene 3). Students will also discuss study guide questions in small groups.
· Practical Literature 11 – Students will finish reviewing for the quiz on Act 4 by playing a review game together as a class. Students will also watch scenes from Act 4 of Hamlet to compare/contrast to the text of the play.
· Y.E.S. - Students will begin the next session on personality profiles and career path exploration by taking notes and discussing the notes as a class. Students will also take a personality test to determine where they fall on the scale.
· Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on Vocabulary lesson 16B and then define the terms for lesson 17A. Students will also be given the worksheet to complete for lesson 17A and write sentences for this lesson on their own. When finished, students will continue discussing study guide questions from R. and J. Act 5, scene 3 together.
· Practical Literature 11 – Students will take a quiz on Act 4 of Hamlet. Students will then finish watching scenes from Act 4 together and discuss predictions for the upcoming Act of the play.
· Y.E.S. - Students will complete the “Life’s Values” activity individually and score their own assessment. As a class, we will discuss the results and implications of this. Students will then begin the next session on entrepreneurship by taking notes and discussing these notes together as a class.
· Academic English 9 – Students will watch scenes from Act 5 of R. and J. in the film version to compare/contrast and discuss performance vs. reading the text of the play. Students will also review for the quiz on Act 5. Quiz will be on Tuesday. Students will also be given a writing assignment to do for homework. We will discuss the requirements for the essay today and the due date is next Friday.
· Practical Literature 11 – Students will begin reading Act 5 of Hamlet together as a class today and we will analyze the first scenes by discussing the study guide questions together as a class.
· Y.E.S. - Students will continue the session on entrepreneurship by discussing notes as a class and in small groups and by completing group activities on this topic.