Monday, September 5, 2011

September 6, 2011 - September 9, 2011

Monday: No School - Labor Day

• Academic English 9 – Review vocabulary definitions, worksheet, and sentences for vocab. terms on list 1-A. Grammar: Students will complete pages 3-6 in the grammar book on nouns. We will discuss different types of nouns together and students will practice identifying and classifying nouns independently.

• Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Define today’s vocabulary terms. Students will also be given a writing prompt to respond to by writing a 5 x 5 essay discussing the skills needed to be successful in today’s competitive workforce. Students will brainstorm and write their rough draft today in class.

Prac. Lit: Introduction to “The Crucible” and the Salem Witch Trials – Students will view the History Channel’s video on the Salem Witch Trials and complete a note taking sheet while viewing the video.

• PSSA Reading 11/12 - Students will write a five paragraph essay using the correct format to describe the skills needed to be successful in today’s workforce. Students will write a rough draft, proofread, and revise the essay. We will discuss elements of informational essays to ensure students know the purpose/audience for their writing.

• Academic English 9 – Students will be given a list of literary terms presented in Night to define for homework. Continue reading chapter 1 of Night together as a class. Students will also work in small groups to complete questions on the study guide for chapter 1. Zip game – vocabulary review game (quiz tomorrow)

• Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will finish writing rough drafts and proofread/revise the rough draft before writing the final copy. Review vocabulary list 1 in preparation for quiz on Friday.

Prac. Lit: Begin reading Act 1 of The Crucible together. Students will be assigned parts to read and they will also be given the study guide for Act 1 to complete as we read. Students will work together on the study guide questions

• PSSA Reading 11/12 - No class

• Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on Vocabulary lesson 1A and then define the terms for lesson 1B. Students will also be given the worksheet to complete for lesson 1B and write sentences for this lesson on their own. As a class, we will review/discuss the study guide for chapter one of Night.

• Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Review vocabulary for quiz tomorrow - Chapter 2 in grammar book – “The Parts of a Sentence” – Students will distinguish between the compound subject and the compound verb and be able to identify each part in sentences.

Prac. Lit: Define literary devices presented in The Crucible and find examples of each element within the play as students read. Students will continue to read Act 1 of the play and work together in small groups to complete study guide questions.

• PSSA Reading 11/12 - Read New York Times news article (read and use talking to text strategy); Complete questions and discuss responses; Discuss format for open-ended prompts and practice answering a prompt using the format given.

• Academic English 9 – Discuss the literary term definitions for terms presented in Night and provide examples for each as students read through the book. Students will read chapter 2 of Night together in small groups and complete the study guide together as they read.

• Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Quiz on Vocabulary List 1. Sections 2g, 2h, and 2i of chapter 2 in grammar book. Students will take notes on complements, direct objects, and indirect objects and examine examples of each in the book. Students will then practice identifying these together as a class. Students will also complete practice exercises for each section independently.

Prac. Lit: Continue reading Act 1 of The Crucible together. Students will be assigned parts to read. Discuss the connection to McCarthyism during the 1950s and the parallels between the play and the events of the Red Scare. Students will complete a web quest on McCarthyism to answer questions about the events of the period together in small groups.

• PSSA Reading 11/12 - No class

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