Labor Day Holiday: Enjoy your day off!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
7th Grade English:
- Review vocabulary homework
- “Dumb” prize Tuesday for students who completed the homework on time and turn it in today.
- Grammar textbooks – discuss why grammar is important in everyday life
- Notes on nouns (what they are and their purpose; examples)
- Flipchart activity – word sort
PSSA English 9/10: Even Day Groups
- Brainstorm reading strategies to use while reading
- freewrite activity
- Talking to text (T2T) strategy (view samples) and practice T2T
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
7th Grade English:
- Jeopardy review game
- Identifying nouns worksheet
- Notes on common and proper nouns
- Practice exercises identifying common and proper nouns
PSSA English 9/10: Odd Day Groups
- Review T2T strategy
- compare notes on text from last class
- answer questions and discuss responses after reading the passage
Thursday, September 9, 2010
7th Grade English:
- Vocabulary test for unit 1
- Vocabulary unit 2 words – look up definitions and create images for each
- Vocabulary worksheet
- Vocabulary sentences for each word
- Vocabulary work is due on Monday of each week
- Review T2T strategy
- compare notes on text from last class
- answer questions and discuss responses after reading the passage
7th Grade English:
- Review new vocabulary definitions on PowerPoint presentation
- Read 9/11 poem together and discuss
- SSR (sustained silent reading) – 2nd 9/11 poem
- Journal response
- Drunk driving news article (read and T2T)
- Complete questions and discuss responses
- Discuss format for open-ended prompts and practice answering a prompt using the format given
7th Grade English: Regular Weekly Schedule
Monday: 1. Review vocabulary worksheet and sentences.
2. Turn in vocabulary homework from last week.
3. “Dumb” prize Monday
4. Present grammar material – textbook
Tuesday: 1. Continue grammar material
2. Independent practice of material and/or
Wednesday: 1. Review any homework
2. Review vocabulary for quiz
3. Continue grammar material
Thursday: 1. Vocabulary quiz
2. Receive new vocabulary unit
3. Continue grammar material
Friday: 1. Review vocabulary definitions
2. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) – short story/poem
3. Journaling assignment
Note: Schedule is tentative and is subject to change if necessary.
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