Monday, December 16, 2019

Keystone Literature Workshop - 12/16/19 - 12/20/19

Keystone Literature

Monday 12/16: Study Island: Genres in Nonfiction, Conclusions in Nonfiction, Connections Between Texts in Nonfiction
Tuesday 12/17: Study Island: Genres in Nonfiction, Conclusions in Nonfiction, Connections Between Texts in Nonfiction
Wednesday 12/18: Ugly Christmas Sweater Dress Down for 1.00 – Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Nonfiction, Setting and Structure in Nonfiction
Thursday 12/19: Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Nonfiction, Setting and Structure in Nonfiction
Friday 12/20: Early Dismissal at 11:00 a.m. - Study Island: Point of View and Purpose in Nonfiction, Setting and Structure in Nonfiction

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 12/16/19 - 12/20/19


Monday (12/16): Bell ringers; Study Island PSSA ELA Benchmark Test 2
Study Island – Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Tuesday (12/17): Bell ringers; Finish Study Island PSSA Benchmark Test 2
Study Island – Individual practice: Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Wednesday (12/18): Ugly Christmas Sweater Dress Down Day for $1.00 - Bell ringers; Christmas movie argument task – Students will analyze the arguments presented in the film, “Christmas with the Kranks.” They must decide which argument is more convincing and why.
Study Island – Finish Benchmark Test (if needed). Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Thursday (12/19): Bell ringers; Christmas movie argument task – Students will analyze the arguments presented in the film, “Christmas with the Kranks.” They must decide which argument is more convincing and why.
Study Island – Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Friday (12/20): Early Dismissal at 11:00 a.m. - Bell ringer; Christmas movie argument task – Students will analyze the arguments presented in the film, “Christmas with the Kranks.” They must decide which argument is more convincing and why.
Study Island – Complete any topics that are past due or that need to be re-done for an improved score.

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?

Friday, December 6, 2019

Keystone Literature Workshop: 12/9/19 - 12/13/19

Keystone Literature

Monday 12/9: Study Island: Structure and elements of poetry, structure and elements of drama, conclusions, inferences, and generalizations in nonfiction.
Tuesday 12/10: Study Island: Conclusions, inferences, and generalizations in nonfiction and genres in nonfiction.
Wednesday 12/11: Dress Down Food Drive; Study Island: Genres in nonfiction and connections between texts in nonfiction.
Thursday 12/12: Study Island: Genres in nonfiction and connections between texts in nonfiction.
Friday 12/13: Study Island: Genres in nonfiction and connections between texts in nonfiction.

Essential Question: What can I do to increase my achievement on the Keystone Lit. exam?

ELA 8: 12/9/19 - 12/13/19


Monday (12/9): Bell ringers; Return and discuss comprehension closure quiz; Analyze the text questions and craft and structure questions in textbook and practice worksheet on author’s argument (Three Cheers for the Nanny State); closure quizzes on analyze the text and craft and structure. Test will be this Thursday on Pearson Realize.
Study Island – New topic: Theme or central idea in literature; individual practice (due Tuesday).

Tuesday (12/10): Bell ringers; return and discuss closure quizzes from yesterday; complete practice worksheets on concept vocabulary and conventions as well as textbook page on conventions; check/discuss work together; closure quizzes on concept vocab. and conventions; Test is Thursday.
Study Island – Individual practice: Finish theme or central idea in literature (due today).

Wednesday (12/11): Bell ringers; Return and discuss closure quizzes on vocabulary and conventions from yesterday; review game for Three Cheers for the Nanny State (test tomorrow).
Study Island – New topic: Central Ideas (due Friday).

Thursday (12/12): Bell ringers; Test on “Three Cheers for the Nanny State” on Pearson
Study Island – Individual practice: Central ideas (due Friday).

Friday (12/13): Bell ringer; Pearson Mid-Year Test on
Study Island – Individual Practice: Central ideas (finish for today). New topic: Characters – lesson notes and begin practice.

Essential Question Unit 3 – When is it right to take a stand?