Monday (05/13): Film:
Flowers for Algernon (compare/contrast movie version to short story).
Independent Reading Assignment – Silent reading/work
on independent project
Tuesday (05/14): Introduce
“Flowers for Algernon” multiple intelligences project and begin working in
computer lab on this. MI project is due Friday, May 24th.
Independent Reading – Silent reading and work on
project (independent reading project due May 31st).
Wednesday (05/15): Computer
lab – Multiple Intelligences project
Independent Reading – Silent reading and work on
project (independent reading project due May 31st).
Thursday (05/16): Computer
lab – Multiple Intelligences project
Independent Reading – Silent reading and work on
project (independent reading project due May 31st).
Friday (05/17): Computer lab – Multiple Intelligences project
Independent Reading – Silent reading and work on
project (independent reading project due May 31st).
Essential Question: Unit 4 – In what different ways can
people be intelligent?