Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018-November 9, 2018


Monday (11/5): Analyze Craft and Structure with forms of poetry (p. 63). Begin working on the study guide for "Hanging Fire" and "Translating Grandfather's House" in class. Test is Wednesday (11/7)
  • Study Island: Individual practice on Figurative Meanings in Literature (due Wednesday).

Tuesday (11/6): Review for "Hanging Fire" and "Translating Grandfather's House" test for Wednesday.
  • Study Island: Group session and new topic on Theme or Central Idea in Literature.

Wednesday (11/7): Test on "Hanging Fire" and "Translating Grandfather's House."
  • Study Island: Individual practice on Theme or Central Idea in Literature (due Friday). 

Thursday (11/8): Read the next story "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World." Text questions worksheet. Concept vocab and vocabulary squares, if time permits.
  • Study Island: Individual practice on Theme or Central Idea in Literature (due Friday).

Friday (11/9): Concept vocab and squares and analyze the text (p. 72) for "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World."
  • Study Island: Group session and new topic on Inferences and Generalizations in Literature. 

Essential Question (Unit 1): What are some milestones on the path to growing up?