Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 18, 2017 - December 22, 2017

12/18/17 – 12/22/17
 English Literature – Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)

Monday (12/18): Textbook – finish pages 283, 284, 285 in the book on the last sections of “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” Students will then review for the test. We will go over and discuss the study guide packet. Test is on Wednesday. Students may use the book and study guide packet as resources during the test.

Tuesday (12/19): Finish reviewing for the test on “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” Students will check responses on the study guide packet and ask questions. If time permits, we will also play a review game on Kahoot on to review clauses.

Wednesday (12/20): Selection test on “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.”

Thursday (12/21): Students will play review games for recent concepts to help reinforce those topics/concepts before the break.

Friday (12/22): Early Dismissal at 11:00.

12/18/17 – 12/22/17
English Composition – Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)

Monday (12/18): Study Island Benchmark Test – Students who did not reach proficiency on the second benchmark will take it again. They will take the test on paper first and then input their answers online on Study Island. All other students will work on Study Island to earn more blue ribbons for their class.

Tuesday (12/19): Work on getting the second benchmark test done on Study Island (for those students taking it). All other students will work on Study Island to earn more blue ribbons for their class (especially in Theme and other topics already discussed as a class).

Wednesday (12/20): Finish second benchmark if needed. Otherwise, students will work on Study Island to earn blue ribbons in the topic of theme and any others that are needed.

Thursday (12/21): Finish second benchmark if needed. Otherwise, students will work on Study Island to earn blue ribbons in the topic of theme and any others that are needed.

Friday (12/22): Early Dismissal at 11:00. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 11, 2017 - December 15, 2017

12/11/17 – 12/15/17
 English Literature – Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)

Monday (12/11): Students will take CDTs on the computers in room 934.

Tuesday (12/12): Students will finish taking CDTs on the computers in room 934. If they are finished already, they will work on Study Island to earn blue ribbons for textual evidence and other topics.

Wednesday (12/13): Data Delay Day – Vocabulary squares are due today for the concept vocab. for “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” Students will then finish the close read and analyze the text questions on page 282. We will discuss these sections together as a class. The test on this selection is on Wednesday of next week (12/20) on Pearson

Thursday (12/14): Students will complete page 283 in the textbook on author’s argument. We will discuss responses together as a class. Students will then complete pages 284 and 285 in the textbook on the concept vocabulary and word study and conventions (clauses). We will discuss sections together and review notes. Students will complete these pages for homework for tomorrow if they do not get done during class.

Friday (12/15): Students will discuss pages 284 and 285 in the textbook together. They will also receive the extension questions packet for “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” Students will work on this in class today and complete it for Monday. Students will also receive practice materials on all sections for preparation for the test on this selection. The test will be on Wednesday, Dec. 20th.

12/11/17 – 12/15/17
English Composition – Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)

Monday (12/11): Students will take the CDT test on computers in room 934.

Tuesday (12/12): Students will finish the CDT test on computers in room 934. If students are finished with the test already, then they will work on Study Island to earn blue ribbons in textual evidence and other topics.

Wednesday (12/13): Data Delay Day – Review day on Study Island. Students will complete the review session on Study Island for the first two topics (Inferences/Generalizations and Textual Evidence). When finished, students may work on earning more blue ribbons for their class if time permits.

Thursday (12/14): Introduce new topic on Study Island (Theme). Students will receive the notes on this topic and we will discuss this as a class together. We will practice questions on theme together during the group session today.

Friday (12/15): Students will work on Study Island to earn a blue ribbon in the theme topic. Students may ask questions as they work if they need extra help with this topic. As a class, we will discuss problems, confusions, etc. as needed. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 4, 2017 - December 8, 2017

12/04/17 – 12/08/17
 English Literature – Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)

Monday (12/04): Pearson – Students will take the Mid-Year Test on Pearson. The test is online and final answers must be submitted online. However, students will be given a paper copy of the test to use at their desk first. They must submit all answers online as well. *Students should also write down areas of need identified from the last selection test on “Barrington Irving….” Students will complete test corrections for the questions they got wrong for homework. Corrections are due by Thursday.

Tuesday (12/05): If students have finished the Pearson Mid Year Test, they will go back into Pearson and check to see how they did compared to the Beginning of the Year Test that they took in September. We will discuss results and growth and students will then check to see if there have been remediation materials assigned to them based on their test results. Students will write the areas of need in their folders and practice with remediation assignments on Pearson and on Study Island. If time permits, begin the selection, “Three Cheers for the Nanny State” in the textbook – page 276. Students will work on completing vocabulary squares for the concept vocabulary words on Page 276. Vocab. Squares due Friday.

Wednesday (12/06): “Three Cheers for the Nanny State” in the textbook – Students will complete the first read together as a class. They must annotate in the book directly on the text as we read. Students will then complete the comprehension questions when finished reading and we will discuss these as a class.

Thursday (12/07): Students will perform a close read of the text, “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” They must complete page 282 (close read section at top of page and analyze the text questions at the bottom.) Students will work with partner to complete these sections. As a class, we will discuss responses to page 282 together.  

Friday (12/08): Students will complete the First Read Extension Questions on “Three Cheers for the Nanny State.” Students will work in small groups to complete the questions together. As a class, we will discuss and check responses together. Each group will report their responses to the class as part of the discussion. Gallery walk activity – using chart paper, groups will get to see other groups’ responses and comment/ask questions, etc.

12/04/17 – 12/08/17
English Composition – Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)

Monday (12/04): Study Island topic 2 – Textual Evidence: Intro to this topic and group session practice. Students will then work to earn a blue ribbon with this topic. Students can earn 3 blue ribbons for their class if they get 100% on the practice session.

Tuesday (12/05):  Students will work on Study Island to earn a blue ribbon in the textual evidence topic. Students may ask questions as they work if they need extra help with this topic. As a class, we will discuss problems, confusions, etc. as needed.

Wednesday (12/06):  Students will work on Study Island to earn a blue ribbon in the textual evidence topic. Students may ask questions as they work if they need extra help with this topic. As a class, we will discuss problems, confusions, etc. as needed.

Thursday (12/07):  Review session on Study Island for the first two topics: Inferences and Generalizations and Textual Evidence. Students will complete the review questions in class today. When finished, they may work on other topics that have been identified as an area of need for them either through Study Island or Pearson Realize. They can earn more blue ribbons for their class during this time.

Friday (12/08): Study Island topic 3 – Theme: Intro. To the topic of theme. As a class, we will discuss the notes and lesson on theme together. Group session on theme.