11/27/17 – 12/01/17
English Literature –
Grade 8 (Periods 1, 6, 7)
Monday (11/27): No School
Tuesday (11/28): ReadWorks.org – Students will login to
Read Works and read the assigned article. They will then complete the 2
question sets (comprehension and character) that go along with the article.
Once finished, students will go onto Study Island to complete the practice
session on characterization (character). Quiz tomorrow on character on Study
Wednesday (11/29): Students will work on
the study materials for the test on Barrington Irving on Friday.
Thursday (11/30): Review for test on Barrington Irving.
Discuss study materials and questions that students have about the test. Test
is tomorrow in Literature class.
Friday (12/01): Students will take the test on the Barrington
Irving article on Pearson Realize. After the test, students will go onto Study
Island to practice on WIN time.
11/27/17 – 12/01/17
English Composition –
Grade 8 (Periods 3, 5, 8)
Monday (11/27): No School
Tuesday (11/28): Students will complete page 271 in the
textbook on characterization. Students will discuss direct vs. indirect
characterization together and complete a practice item together on page 271.
Students will then complete independent practice on this concept on a practice
worksheet. We will discuss responses together. Students will practice character
questions on Study Island for the remainder of the class today. We will have a
quiz on character on Study Island tomorrow.
Wednesday (11/29): Quiz on character on Study Island. Work on
study materials for the test on Barrington Irving on Friday.
Thursday (11/30): Review for the test on Barrington Irving
(if more time is needed). Slip or trip activity – argument.
Friday (12/01): Continue slip or trip
activity/discussion. Students will work together in groups to determine/write
their argument.