· Reading 8 – Odd – Students will discuss the notes from last week on types of nonfiction. As a class, we will also review the vocabulary terms and definitions that were defined for today on nonfiction. We will have a test on this information on Friday. Students will also respond to the big question in their reading log notebook relating to the magazine article they read for today. We will discuss responses together and students will turn in the packet with the article and questions.
· English 8 – Students will take a test on vocabulary lessons 9 and 10. When finished, students will read the story, “The Lady or the Tiger” together as a class while highlighting and chunking sections of the story.
· Reading 8 – Even - Students will discuss the notes from last week on types of nonfiction. As a class, we will also review the vocabulary terms and definitions that were defined for today on nonfiction. We will have a test on this information on Monday. Students will also respond to the big question in their reading log notebook relating to the magazine article they read for today. We will discuss responses together and students will turn in the packet with the article and questions.
· English 8 – Students will finish reading “The Lady or the Tiger” together out loud and complete the double-entry journal in the packet. We will discuss the double-entry journal by examining student examples on the board.
· Reading 8 – Odd – Students will play a review game to review the information on nonfiction that they will need to know for the test on Friday. If time permits at the end of class, students will read their AR books silently or study for the remainder of class time.
· English 8 – Students will work on contextual clues from the story and prefixes and suffixes. As a class, we will discuss these two sections of the packet together.
· Reading 8 – Even - Students will play a review game to review the information on nonfiction that they will need to know for the test on Friday. If time permits at the end of class, students will read their AR books silently or study for the remainder of class time.
· English 8 – Students will take a quiz on the vocabulary terms from yesterday’s context clues activity. Students will then work on numbers 5, 6, 7 in the packet for “The Lady or the Tiger” on setting and plot.
· Reading 8 – Odd – Students will take a test on nonfiction. When finished, students will read AR books independently and write a response in their notebooks focusing on the conflict in the book. Students will also be introduced to the next unit of study in the textbook (short stories). Students will discuss the big question for this unit (“Can all conflicts be resolved?”) p. 230-231 in textbook. Students will begin to define vocabulary terms for the unit in notebooks.
· English 8 – Students will complete numbers 8 – 13 in the story packet. Students will work with a partner to analyze the story and identify the resolution, interpret quotes from the story, and write extended journal responses related to the story.