· Reading 8 – Odd – Nonfiction tests will be returned and discussed. Students will then begin reading a short story together in class (“The Gift of the Magi”). As students read, they will mark their talking to text notes on the story sheet. As a class, we will discuss their notes together.
· English 8 – Students will take a comprehension quiz on the story, “The Lady or the Tiger.” Students will then be introduced to coordinating conjunctions. Students will discuss what they already know about conjunctions and then begin work on identifying these within sentences. Students will also combine sentences in their writing using coordinating conjunction and we will discuss examples on the board together. Students will take a quiz on coordinating conjunctions tomorrow.
· Reading 8 – Even - Nonfiction tests will be returned and discussed. Students will then begin reading a short story together in class (“The Gift of the Magi”). As students read, they will mark their talking to text notes on the story sheet. As a class, we will discuss their notes together.
· English 8 – Students will take a quiz on coordinating conjunctions. We will then discuss notes on subordinating conjunctions together and examine examples on the board. Students will work on identifying and using subordinating conjunctions by completing exercises in the packet. Students will take a quiz on these tomorrow.
· Reading 8 – Odd – Students will continue reading the short story, “The Gift of the Magi” together in class. Students will continue to write talking to text notes as they read. We will discuss these together when finished the story. Students will also work on completing discussion questions after reading the story. Reading Log Notebooks will be collected today.
· English 8 – Students will take a quiz on subordinating conjunctions. Students will then discuss notes and examples of correlative conjunctions together. Students will also work on exercises in the packet on correlative conjunctions and a revision activity in the packet.
· Reading 8 – Even – Students will continue reading the short story, “The Gift of the Magi” together in class. Students will continue to write talking to text notes as they read. We will discuss these together when finished the story. Students will also work on completing discussion questions after reading the story. Reading Log Notebooks will be collected today.
· English 8 – Students will turn in their completed conjunctions packet today. Students will also begin working on the section on verbs. Students will discuss what they already know about verbs and the different types of verbs. Students will then work on identifying action verbs in sentences and using action verbs in writing by completing exercises in the verbs packet.
· Reading 8 – Odd – Students will discuss the questions from the short story together. We will discuss the theme of the story and the conflict and characters within it as well. Students will turn in their discussion question worksheet today at the end of class.
· English 8 – Students will continue working on identifying and using action verbs in writing by completing action verb exercises in the verbs packet.