Friday, December 16, 2011

December 19, 2011 - December 23, 2011

·         Academic English 9 – Check vocabulary definitions; review definitions, worksheet, and sentences for vocab. lesson 8A. As a class, we will also continue with grammar by discussing the exercises completed on Friday in class. Students will take notes and complete practice exercises on the next section as well (compound subjects and compound verbs).

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will take notes on the adjective clause and noun clause sections of chapter4 in the grammar book. Students will then complete practice exercises on these clauses and discuss them together as a class.

Prac. Lit: Students will finish reading chapter two of “Of Mice and Men” and discuss the study guide questions together for chapter 2.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class
·         Academic English 9 – Students will take notes on complements from the grammar book and discuss these together as a class. Students will also take notes on subject complements and they will work in small groups to complete practice exercises for these sections during class today (exercises 14 and 15, ex. 16 and 17).

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will take notes and discuss the adverb clause and subordinating conjunctions sections in the grammar book and they will also complete practice exercises for each working with a partner.

Prac. Lit: Students will take a quiz on chapters one and two of “Of Mice and Men” and begin reading chapter 3 today.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - Students will work on the rough draft of the five paragraph essay (movie review) in class. Students will critique the movie, “Dead Poets Society” in their essays.
·         Academic English 9 – Students will take notes on objects (direct and indirect) and discuss these together as a class. Students will also complete practice exercises to identify these in small groups and discuss responses together as a class.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will take notes on elliptical clauses and sentences classified according to structure. Students will also work in small groups to complete practice exercises on these sections.

Prac. Lit: Students will read chapter 3 of the novel and complete the study guide for this chapter.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class
·         Academic English 9 – Students will also take a quiz on Vocabulary lesson 8A and then define the terms for lesson 8B. Students will also be given the worksheet to complete for lesson 8B and write sentences for this lesson on their own. Students will also take notes on the last grammar section for chapter 2 (classifying sentences by purpose). Students will discuss this section together as a class and complete the practice exercise on page 64 with a partner.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will continue to practice identifying clauses in sentences by reviewing practice worksheets together.

Prac. Lit: Students will continue to read chapter 3 of the novel and complete the study guide for this chapter. Students will also view scenes from the movie to compare/contrast with the novel.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - Students will work on typing the final copy of the five paragraph essay (movie review) in class. Students will critique the movie, “Dead Poets Society” in their essays.
·          Academic English 9 – As a class, we will play Scattergories together using the Promethean Board. The class will be split up into teams and teams will have to come up with words to describe the phrases on the board beginning with the letter that was rolled on the die. Teams will get bonus points if they use vocabulary words from any of the lessons we have covered so far this year.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will play Scattergories together as a class using the Promethean Board. The class will be split up into teams and teams will earn bonus points for using any vocabulary words from class.

Prac. Lit: Students will watch scenes from the movie, “Of Mice and Men” while comparing/contrasting with the novel.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011 - December 9, 2011

·         Academic English 9 – Check vocabulary definitions; review definitions, worksheet, and sentences for vocab. lesson 7A. As a class, we will also review the study guide questions for “The Cask of Amontillado.”

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will finish typing the final copy of the research paper. Final copy and rough draft are due tomorrow. Students will also define four new vocabulary words from the new list. Students will write the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and write one sentence for each word on their vocabulary square sheets.

Prac. Lit: Students will finish study guide questions for Hamlet and review for a quiz on Acts 4 and 5 of the play.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class

·         Academic English 9 – Students will work together in small groups to complete a critical reading worksheet on “The Cask of Amontillado” as a review for a quiz on the story. Students will discuss the critical reading sheet together as a class. Quiz will be tomorrow on the short story.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will turn in the final copy and rough draft of the research paper. Students will then define four new vocabulary words from the new list on vocab. squares. Students will also begin the next grammar chapter on Clauses by taking notes and completing practice exercises.

Prac. Lit: Students will take a quiz on Acts 4 and 5 of Hamlet and begin a writing assignment based on the play. Students will work on writing a five paragraph essay in class based on Hamlet.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - Students will analyze a movie by taking notes while viewing the film in order to write a movie review essay.

·         Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on “The Cask of Amontillado.” When finished the quiz, students will be given a writing prompt to complete in class. They will have time in class to write a five paragraph essay based on the two short stories that we read in class. Students will type their essays as well.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will define four new vocabulary words and discuss their meanings. They will also continue working on the chapter on clauses by distinguishing between different types of clauses.

Prac. Lit: Students will work on the five paragraph essay for Hamlet. Students will type the final copy of the essay.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class

·         Academic English 9 – Students will take a quiz on Vocabulary lesson 7A and then define the terms for lesson 7B. Students will also be given the worksheet to complete for lesson 7B and write sentences for this lesson on their own. Students will also finish writing the five paragraph essay from yesterday if more time is needed to finish.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will define new vocabulary words from the new list and discuss their meanings. Students will then review and discuss the grammar exercises completed yesterday together as a class.

Prac. Lit: Students will finish writing the essay if more time is needed. Students will type the final copy on computers and post to the wiki.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - Students will analyze a movie by taking notes while viewing the film in order to write a movie review essay.

·          Academic English 9 – Students will be introduced to the next chapter dealing with grammar (Kinds of Sentences and Sentence Structures). Students will take notes on the first section and complete practice exercises on identifying sentence fragments and complete sentences and parts of a sentence.

·         Practical English/Literature 11 – Prac. Eng: Students will complete review sheets on the vocabulary list in class. We will discuss the review sheets as a class.

Prac. Lit: Students will finish typing the final copy of the essay for Hamlet and post to the wiki.

·         PSSA Reading 11/12 - No Class