Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 27 - May 1, 2020

Graduation Day: Chapter 9

Questions for thought
1. Who are Kerrick and Marin?
2. Why do you think they are after Cia?
3. How does point of view affect this story? Think about how it might be different if told from another perspective.

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20 - 24, 2020

Graduation Day: Chapter 8

1. What do you think Cia should do about Raffe?
2. What might have happened to the other testing candidates they are talking about in this chapter?
3. What do you think of the test they've create for Raffe? Do you think he will pass?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week of April 13 - 17

Graduation Day: Chapter 7

Questions to think about
1. Do you think someone now knows about Cia's involvement in the plan?
2. Should Cia trust Stacia?
3. What do you think of Stacia's idea about Raffe at the end of the chapter? Should they carry it out?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020

Hi guys! The following info. is posted on Google Classrooms, but I also wanted to post it on here as well.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and figuring out how to work with Google Classroom on your activities. The new ELA 8 assignment for week 2 will post tomorrow (Friday, April 10th). You will have until the following Friday (April 17th at 3:00 pm) to complete it. Please keep in mind that work is still undgraded. However, I am checking work and giving feedback, when possible, and keeping track of participation. I will be keeping record of your participation for each week's activities, and beginning on April 17th all students will be evaluated each week as follows: either highly engaged, engaged, or not yet engaged. Starting on April 17th, we will be moving forward with learning activities for the 4th marking period. This means that assignments posted in Google Classes will now contain new content, skills, etc. This new content is important for all students to know and understand in order to move forward with their education and to be prepared for the next grade level.

Here is a breakdown of what those terms mean.

Highly Engaged:  means a student is actively participating by attending sessions, completing work/tasks, and is proactively communicating with the teacher and classmates.
Engaged: means a student is meeting minimum expectations and/or is partially engaged, attends some learning sessions, and completes some work/tasks.
Not Yet Engaged:  means a student is not engaged in the learning process, does not attend learning sessions, and does not complete tasks/work.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be utilizing some resources from our online textbook (Pearson Realize). If you do not remember how to log on to Pearson, please see below.
Go to: pearsonrealize.com
Username: nsID# (ex: ns1234)
Password: abc123

If you need help getting onto Pearson, please let me know.

Please do your best on the assignments, and if you have any questions please feel free to email me or join my office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00. If you can't make those dates and hours but would like to video chat, just send me an email and I can schedule it for a different day/time if needed. 

Stay safe!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Hi, everyone!

I know you are all busy learning how to navigate your new Google Classes online and figuring out how to complete weekly activities. For those of you who still want to continue "reading" Graduation Day, I will continue to post recordings on here each week with a few questions to ponder for each chapter. I will post the new chapter for the week each Monday.

Graduation Day: Chapter 6

Discussion Questions
1. Who do you think Cia should trust with her plan?
2. Do you think her relationship with Tomas is smart?
3. What do you think will happen when the time comes for Cia to carry out the President's plan? Do you think she will be able to go through with it?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Optional Activity

Graduation Day: Chapter 5

Discussion Questions
1. Think about how point of view affects this story. How might it be different if it were told from another character's perspective, such as Zeen, President Collindar, or Professor Holt?

2. Do you think Ian will become an ally?

3. Make a prediction about what you think will happen next in the upcoming chapters.